The Lawyer

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A/N: Requested by unicorn-girl14 ; Emmy is a lawyer while Daveed is an actor struggling with debt. I don't remember too much about debt but I'll try my best to memorize it.

"Wow, Diggs, youʻre screwed.", Rafa said as he saw his friendʻs piles of bills with a sad curly-haired cinnamon roll banging his head on the table, saying, "I know."

"Sorry, though. I really wish I could help, but I canʻt. You know me, I dunno anything bout this stuff. But, I decided to call up a lawyer for ya. Sheʻs hot too."

Daveed was too sad and scared heʻd be evicted, he didnʻt hear Rafa call the lawyer hot. But, at least he heard "I decided to call up a lawyer for ya".

He then felt so stressed. You see, heʻs an acclaimed rapper and an actor but the more people wanted him in the media, the lesser time he didn't have to pay the bills.

He sighed in defeat and somehow fell asleep. He guessed his stress and tiredness got to him.

He woke up to knocking on the door. He sat up and felt a bill on his head, and he brushed it off while pouting, obviously mad.

He then walked to open the door and saw the most Godsend beautiful woman ever.

She had amazing brown skin, like Daveed, and her hair was brown with yellow highlights and it was down.

She then had a shocked face and turned red, her eyes traveling down to his chest. Daveed, confused AF, looked down and saw he had literally no shirt on and only denim pants. He blushed too and excused himself to run and grab a tank top.

He held out his hand for the lady to shake and she said, "Hello, sir. Name's Emmy and I am your lawyer. I see your friend, Rafael, called me to help ya."

Daveed nervously nodded and pet her in. Not gonna lie, but Emmy saw the house looked so big and beautiful. As she put her papers on the dining table, Emmy and Daveed were just full blown having talks about debt.

Fortunately, Emmy decided to help Daveed by letting all the records and studios he's been working with give him some time to pay his bills, and thankfully, Daveed could afford it all.

But, as the time the two were working together, so did the effects of Cupid's arrow grow on the two.

Eventually, Daveed and Emmy began to date, then tied the knot and Emmy left her job of law and became a housewife as the couple welcomed their first kid, Charis...

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