OTP Stuff

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Emmy: I have very high standards

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Emmy: I have very high standards. I only fall in love with graceful, elegant-

Daveed: *stumbles into the room, bumping into 5 tables, trips over his bi flag, and stands up like a superhero*

Emmy: ......

Emmy: I want him.

Lin: Hey, Emmy, what do you call Dav?

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Lin: Hey, Emmy, what do you call Dav?

Emmy: Lovely, floofy bunny, sweetie.

Lin: What about you, Diggs?

Daveed: My main b*tch

Emmy: I love you too, sweetie

Lin: 0.0

(After waking up from a nightmare)

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(After waking up from a nightmare)

Daveed: I need you to promise that youʻll hold my hand whenever Iʻm scared.

Emmy: Oki

Daveed: *holds Emmyʻs hand*

Emmy: *looks confused* What you doing?

Daveed: Iʻm scared if I let go, youʻll disappear

Emmy: *forgets how to breathe* I-

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