Stay With Me

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Daveed woke up, feeling groggy and a bit energetic from the one night stand that happened yesterday. He woke up to see Emmy walk away.

He then grabbed his phone and saw about two missed texts from his boyfriend, Rafa. He was wide-eyed and heard footsteps leave the room

Frantic, he threw on some board shorts with his sweater he'd been wearing to see Emmy walk away.

"Emmy, where you going?", he asked, hoping Emmy didn't see the texts.

"I'm leaving, Daveed. I saw the texts and I don't think we should be together."

"WAIT!!! There's more to it."

"Oh yeah? Give me a reason! Give me a reason why you decided to cheat on that guy Rafa!!"

It was silent for five seconds bit Daveed's mind was shouting at him.

Say it, dude!! Tell her the truth!!, his mind screamed.

No!! She can't know!!, Daveed frowned and thought, She doesn't need to know...

Then, he spat it out, right when Emmy was about to touch the doorknob.


Emmy was wide-eyed. "What..."

"Prove it", Emmy said. Although she's been told by her friends that they were being abused, almost all of them were joking.

Daveed sighed and took off his shirt. Emmy couldn't believe it. All she saw were bruises, scars, and a bunch of hickeys that grazed over his bronze skin.

Emmy cried softly and she held a hand over her mouth. But, she was engulfed in Daveed's forgiving arms.

"Its okay", he said, "you didn't know"

The two stood there, hugging and Emmy eventually promised to Daveed that she'll never be like Rafa. Not one bit...

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