47) My Favorite Part Of The Book W/ Him

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Basically, just my favorite thing he says/does in the novel... and wow that's a long title
April 22, 2021

PONYBOY~ "...then darted out the door so fast that I fell off the steps and sprawled flat under Johnny's nose.I propped myself on my elbows and grinned up at him. 'Hey, Johnny. Fancy meetin' you here.'" -Chapter 5

I love Ponyboy so freaking much. Took me half an hour to decide my favorite part dealing with Ponyboy... I might make a second one of these chapters one day

SODAPOP~ "... and Soda had me in a
bear hug and was swinging me around. I was so glad to see him I could have bawled. Finally he set me down and looked at me. He pushed my hair back. 'Oh, Ponyboy, your
hair... your tuff, tuff hair...'" -Chapter 6

Tears always brim in my eyes when he talks about Pony's hair. And to think, didn't Sandy move away while Ponyboy and Johnny were missing? Shows how much Soda goes through

DARRY~ "Then I saw Darry. He was leaning in the doorway, wearing his olive jeans and
black T-shirt. He was still tall, broad-shouldered Darry; but his fists were jammed in his pockets and his eyes were pleading. I simply looked at him. He swallowed and said in a husky voice, "Ponyboy..." I let go of Soda and stood there for a minute. Darry didn't like me... he had driven me away that night... he had hit me... Darry hollered at me all the time... he didn't give a hang about me.... Suddenly I realized, horrified, that Darry was crying. He didn't make a sound, but tears were running down his cheeks." -Chapter 6; directly after Pony and Soda hug

I know that one's kinda long, but when we read this in my eighth grade English class, there wasn't a dry in eye in the room

DALLY~ "Whirling suddenly, he slammed back against the wall. His face contracted in
agony, and sweat streamed down his face.
"Damnit, Johnny..." he begged, slamming one fist against the wall, hammering it to make it obey his will. "Oh, damnit, Johnny, don't die, please don't die...'" -Chapter 9

I know it's really sad, but I really like the raw emotion Dally shows

TWO-BIT~ "Two-Bit's eyes got narrow and I was afraid he was going to start something. I
don't like to hear women get sworn at, even if they deserve it. "No wonder he hates your
guts," Two-Bit snapped. He was going to tell her off real good..." -Chapter 8

Protective Two-Bit just warms my heart!

STEVE~ "'Hate to tell you, buddy," Steve said, still flat on the floor, "but you have to wear clothes to work. There's a law or something.'" - Chapter 7

I know Steve is more of a side character and doesn't appear too much, but it makes me laugh thinking of him lying on the floor while everyone's walking around doing things

JOHNNY~ ""Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold..." The pillow seemed to sink a little, and Johnny died. You read about people looking peacefully asleep when they're dead, but they don't. Johnny just looked dead. Like a candle with the flame gone. I tried to say something, but I couldn't make a sound." -Chapter 9

This is arguably the best literary quote of all time! Once again, there wasn't a single dry eye in the room when we read this... esspecially from me and my very heavy stream of tears

Hope you enjoyed! Stay Gold 🌅 -Lumos_Silver

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