76) His Favourite Holiday

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Personally, my favorite is New Years Eve, with all its fresh starts
July 13, 2021

PONYBOY~ New Years

For a long time, Ponyboy didn't have a favorite holiday, but the first New Years that you spent together, you kissed him at midnight. That moment made it his favorite holiday

SODAPOP~ Valentines Day

Sodapop takes every chance he gets to romance you, so Valentines Day is his favorite holiday, since he gets to spend the whole day with you. He always makes big plans and tries to out do the previous year

DARRY~ Independence Day

Though he won't admit it, Darry's favorite day of the year is when he can grill hamburgers and hotdogs and light fireworks. You and the rest of the gang harass him until he plays football with you, arguing who gets to be on his team when he agrees

DALLY~ Halloween

Dally likes to take the night to scare every little kid he comes across. He'll occasionally beat up a little kids, resulting in you beating him up until he settles for stealing sweets

TWO-BIT~ St. Patrick's Day

Two-Bit takes any chance he gets to bring you out for drinking, so on St. Patrick's Day the two of you get down right drunk and roam the streets, laughing as hard as you can

STEVE~ Thanksgiving

Not only does Thanksgiving mean lots and lots of food, it also means Steve gets to sit down and spend time with you and the gang, along with long cuddles with your food babies afterwards

JOHNNY~ Christmas

Johnny prefers the lead up to Christmas to the day itself. The baking, the tree decorating, listening to music, watching movies, he adores it all, especially when you're with him

Hope you enjoyed! Stay Gold 🌅 -Lumos_Silver

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