Bit of a Malfunction

585 21 1

Request from Tumbler. I may or may not have forgotten this book existed.


Anti groaned and reached around for his phone that was ringing. His ringtone, Toxic by Britney Spears, blasting in his once quiet room. He eventually managed to grab it and press the call button. "What?" he groaned.

"Anti are you awake?"

Anti rolled his eyes. "Dark it's like two in the morning."

"It's ten in the morning."

Anti turned and glared at his clock. "Fucking bitch."

"What did you call me?"

"Not you, my clock. Fucking thing forgot to wake me up." Anti hissed.

Dark sighed on the other side of the phone. "Listen I'm-"

"Alone and lonely so you want me to come over." Anti purred.

Dark didn't respond for a second. "No, I need you to hack something for me."

"Google can't do it?"

"He's," Dark paused, "away."

"With Bing and Chase? Is he getting more love than you ever will?"

Dark hissed and Anti laughed. He hung up and glitched himself into Dark's office. "Hey, Darky."

Dark looked up from his phone and blinked. "That was quick."

"Slept in my clothes. You're lucky I'm feeling helpful."

Dark smiled. "I didn't think you could be anything but a brat."

Anti waved him off. "Yeah yeah give me the computer."

Dark pushed his computer across the desk. "I need his address and any information he has on the egos."

Anti cracked his knuckles. "Alright," he said and pressed a hand against the screen. Slowly he dissolved into pixels and entered the computer.

Dark turned the computer back to him and waited. About five minutes later files started popping up on his computer. Files about the man's personal life, then a file about Wilford, then about Dark. Then it stopped.

Dark raised an eyebrow and leaned forward. A pop came from the computer and then static. Dark leaned backwards when a cloud of green pixels came from the laptop. Anti eventually formed and fell onto Dark's lap. Dark blinked and stared at the glitch.

Anti giggled and taped Dark's nose. "Heya."


Anti laughed and wrapped his arms around Darks neck. "Yer man has a nice sense of security. Think it fucked up my code cause I wanna kiss ya."

Dark shook his head. "I think it-"

Anti pressed his lips against Darks. He leaned back and froze. "Diagnostic," he whispered. "Nothing found wrong. Confidence is high. Love high. Fuck off!" Anti growled the last part and shook his head.

Dark stared up at him. Anti groaned. "Don't look at me that way. Push me away or-"

Dark pulled him in for another kiss, pulling Anti closer. Dark pushed Anti away when he was shocked. "Sorry still recovering."

"I'll make his death painful."

Anti grinned. "Aw, thanks. Can I do it?"


"Aw Darky," Anti said with a pout.

"Shut up," Dark growled, pulling Anti back for another kiss.

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