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Alex just screamed at Catherine and everyone in the kitchen heard him! We all run outside to make sure everything was okay! Alex quickly gets out of the car and I run to him! Baby are you okay? I say to him! What did she say to you? She was just being herself he says to me! She made a lot of threats but don't worry baby I can handle her! He says to me!
Bella runs over to him Alex do not let her get under your skin! I know how she is! She will try and suck the life out of you! You have came too far since the breakup and you have an amazing woman in your life! Just leave her be! Bella is right Alex don't let her upset you! She couldn't keep her legs closed while you were with her! She doesn't deserve your time! Felix walks over and just stares at his son!
It's obvious he's very upset by what she said to him! I go over to wrap my arms around his waist but he pulls away! I'm gonna go upstairs and take a shower he says! He doesn't even look at me. What did she say to him? I've never seen him like this! I say to everyone! Oh Treasure she caused him great pain when they broke up! He didn't love her but he was starting to fall for her! He let down all of his walls and trusted her enough to let her in! She betrayed that trust and it crushed him.  Bella says!
What should I do? Bella would you mind taking me to my apartment? I think it's better if I give him some space! He did just have a lot thrown at him! Yes sure let's go up and get your things! We go up the stairs to my loaned room and I gather my things! I'm here if he decides to talk to me! I tell Bella! We get in Bella's car and take off to my apartment! I'm so worried about Alex! I hope he doesn't shut himself off! I was just getting to know him!
We make it to my apartment and I ask Bella to go in first and make sure everything is okay! She comes out and says it's clear! Do you want me to stay with you tonight? She says to me! Yes please at least until I feel comfortable staying alone! Okay great!
I'll order some takeout for lunch! Bella says! Her phone begins to ring! Hey Alex yeah I brought her to her apartment! Well you didn't say anything to her so she wanted to give you some space! Okay alright I'll tell her! Okay see you soon! She quickly hangs up! So Alex is on his way here! He was wondering where you were! She says to me!
My heart becomes full knowing he wasn't ignoring me he just wanted to get a shower! Did I over react? A few minutes pass by and there's a knock at my door! It's Alex!

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