February 21,1995

78 8 1

I'm River. I'm thirteen years old and the attic is my favourite place in the house. I know, "The attic is creepy! Why would you want to spend all of your time up in a creepy, drafty, old
Attic?". I get that a lot. I mean a lot, a lot. But, the attic is my safe place. It's where I got to escape the drama of the real world and to kick back and relax.  Why wouldn't I want to go up there?

See, I'm the "social outcast" in school, but, I don't believe in labels like that.  Even though school is full labels, they just don't bother me. A lot of people think that labels are what make you..well, you. But, to me, labels are just things that people try to judge you by. All that matters is what my few close friends think of me, the people that won't even try to get to know me aren't worth my time.  

My best friend,Gianna, is labeled as a "social outcast" too, but what they don't see is that she is the sweetest person you have ever met. Most people wouldn't know that though, because all they do is judge others. Gianna tends to be quiet and insecure sometimes, so I try to tell her how great she is, but she never listens. Nevertheless, she seems happy, and that's all that matters.  And, no, we aren't lesbians or anything just because we spend so much time together-I'm not attracted to her like that. I like someone else, but because of my label, he would never like me back.  He's also "popular", which doesn't help me very much. I don't believe in people being "popular" either. I think that being "popular" isn't a real thing. Yeah, you have a lot of good friends, but you don't realise that half the people at our school hate you.

I hope that by high school, all of the labels go away and we can start fresh with new people. Actually, I'm not going to be in classes with any of the same people that were in my grade this year. I will be a grade above , since they think I'm such a good student, they're moving me up. Thank God Gianna was recognized the same way and will be joining me next year. It's all good in the hood, I usually say. 

Anyways, I'll write soon.
        -River xx

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