Chapter Eight

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*Clover's point of view from the time River found him in the attic after school.*

I was sitting in my home. I think that the second girl knows about me now. I don't want to come out and reveal myself to her just yet. Whenever she comes up, I can hear her big feet thud onto the floor. I quickly run into the wardrobe that's hidden under a sheet in the far right corner. I hide in there, and keep a small crack in the door so only she is visible to me and I am not visible to her. Maybe she will be just like the first girl. The first girl's death was not my fault by the way. She brought her dinner up to me and we were simply chatting about her day at school. Then, she started complaining about how her parents wouldn't buy her the new toy that all of her friends had and were bringing to school. All she wanted to do was fit in! Which is funny because that is almost the complete opposite of the new girl. She was jumping around raging, and she fell. She cut her wrist vertically by accident. I didnt want her to sit there and bleed out, suffering! I knew what i had to do. I took the pocket knife that I had found in their dinning room and plunged it into her heart several times, ony to relieve her of the pain. I just wanted what was best for her!

Anyways, a couple days passed and I decided that it would be best for her to know about my presence in the attic. I wanted her to know that I was here, without fully showing myself. I climbed down through the wardrobe into a small pathway that I, myself had made a while back. I craweled to the end then made a sharp left and dropped into a box shaped area. I began to place small knocks on the inside of the wall, just to transition into the full reveal. When I thought she was relatively close to the top of the stairs, I reached my hand out of the side panel and locked the door. Just incase she got freaked out and wanted to leave before I had time to explain to her what had happened, she wouldn't be able to go anywhere.

I scrambled back up into my hiding place and awaited the arrival of the new girl. I peeked through the crack, and saw her looking around with her back turned to me. I decided to get up and out, and introduce myself like a gentleman would. I put on my best smile. She turned around and screamed. She was alarmed by me. She punched me in the gut when I got close to her, and I'll I could do was sit there in pain holding my abdomin. "Wa-wait." That was the only thing that I managed to say. I just wanted to be her friend, just like how I had been friends with the first girl. She ran down the stairs. I followed her, after I felt strong enough to get up. I stood at the base of the attic stairs with my best smile on, and I started to look for her. The last thing I saw, was her auburn hair, moving away from the glass sliding doors. The same thing happened with Delilah. I knew the drill. I walked through the house. Many things were different. It had changed a lot from the last time I saw it. When I got to the front door, I saw her start to walk across the lawn. So I stood in the doorway, and smiled. I just want a new friend. It gets lonely up there. Suddenly, she saw me. "AAHHHHHHH. GET AWAY FROM ME." She screamed, and started running down the street. I knew exactly where she was going. And, there will be a surprise for her when she gets there. Oh yes. A good surprise.

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