Chapter Fourteen

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 We hid out in the bushes behind the house, scared. I moved closer to him and panted, "Dylan, what do we do??? That's his brother!!"

He looked at me alarmingly and calmly replied,"Down. The basement. There has to be more stuff that you can get information from. We can worry about finding a way out when we get there. We have to risk it if you want more answers. I'll make sure you're okay. " he said. He hurriedly pulled my arm back into the house and down the stairs, trying to be as quiet as he could. He navigated his way through the twisting,turning hallways of the dark cellar. Finally, there was a door at the end of a long, dark hall. He quickly pulled me down the hall with no hesitation. Before he reached his hand to the doorknob, we both heard heavy steps racing down the stairs. He turned the knob and pulled it, revealing a path leading to the exterior of the house. With Clover's brother after us, we knew that there would be no time to try to find any more information.  He gently shoved me in front of him the closed and locked the door behind him. "Dylan, wha-" he cut me off by gently pressing his lips up against mine. He pulled away and smirked at me. " Sorry,I had to do that. Now let's go find the others. " I blushed and followed him around the house.

Easily enough, Gianna and Victoria were standing behind a car parked on the street. We ran to them, understanding that the two other men could very well be right behind us. "We have to go. Now. " Dylan said. The whole group started jogging down the street and ended up in the middle of the town square.

"There's a bunch of buildings here that are huge. Pick one. "

Gianna suddenly screamed,"WHAT ABOUT THE HOTEL!!!????LIKE THE ONE IN AMERICAN HORROR STORY!!!!!" It's like we're in our own season of American Horror Story. I smiled and started to lead the group into the hotel, my fingers still intertwined with Dylan's.

"I got it from here. " Victoria said confidently as she walked up to the front desk. The rest of us sat in the waiting area and eagerly jumped up when she came back. Victoria held up a piece of plastic and proceeded to walk into the elevator. We all climbed on after her and waited for someone to say something to break the silence. "So...what room are we in??" I asked.

"Room 667. Close to the devil's room," she scoffed. Gianna rolled her eyes.

"Are you sure it's okay that I have my panda?"

"I'm sure it's fine, they didn't say anything at the desk. " Victoria answered. Gianna shrugged her shoulders and pulled the panda up to her waist, holding it like it was her own child.

Eventually, we got up to the room and walked inside.  The two beds with a night stand next to each were very neatly made. A large television and wall lamps were placed in front of the beds. I walked over and flopped onto the bed with no energy left. Gianna did the same thing right next to me. Victoria and Dylan looked at each other and shrugged awkwardly. After a moment of silence, the four of us started laughing because of the gesture that was just made. "Ugh I'm crying!!" Gianna said as she wiped tears from her eyes.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving. Let's go find a vending machine!" She continued. We walked down the hall, her and her panda holding hands. We eventually came to find a fully stocked vexing machine. It was like we were looking at Troy Bolton (aka. God). After a couple minutes of Gianna futzing around with her dollar and getting her food, we walked back, slowly, to our room. But she stopped suddenly. Something was wrong.

Sorry it took me so long to finally update. I'll try to update again really soon so that you're not left on a cliff hanger forever!!! See ya


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