Chapter One

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I just got back from school. Ugh, what a drag! The end of the year is always the worst part- people care less and less about their work and teachers try to cram everything in so we don't fail our finals.

 It's all okay though. Gianna came over after school and we hung out in the attic. Gianna doesn't mind being up there, she understands why I like it up there-only because I told her of course. Gianna didn't stay for very long-I think she got a little creeped out. But that's okay, if she is understanding of me, I try to be understanding of her.

If I ever bring people up here, they usually end up leaving earlier than planned. Sure, it bothers me a little, but if they're truly my friend and truly understand me, they'll put up with it- or at least try. It's okay though. I do what makes me happy, and that's all I really care about. Don't get me wrong, I do care about others, but I don't want them to get in the way of what I wanna do.

Later that day, I was about to come down from my safe little nest when over heard my parents talking in the kitchen. " We should tell her about what happened to Delilah. I mean, I think it's kind of unhealthy for her to be up there all of the time. Why if he came back? Or what if he never even left? She needs to be more careful and maybe she will be if she knows what happened. Maybe we should put a lock on the door? Or just not allow her to go up there when we aren't awake? I just don't like the idea of her spending all of her time up there," Mom said to my Father.

"Donna, it's going to be okay. He was taken to jail after what happened. He can't come back and hurt her. He might even be dead by now, you'll never know! All I know is that she is okay up there. But, I think you are right about her spending too much time up there. I think she would have more friends if she hung out in her room, like normal teenagers do. It's time that we tell her ," Father said to Mom.

I ran back up the stairs as fast as I could. They thought I was asleep! I hate when they talk about me like that, like I'm some type of freak. Normal is boring!

As they approached the stairs and began climbing up them, I got settled in my sleeping bag and pretended to be asleep. That was one thing I was really good at-acting., due to all of the plays that I have starred in. That's another reason why people think I'm a freak. I'm a major theatre geek. And yes, I, being the shy girl that I am, has starred in several plays. My parents are on the stairs. I gotta go. Ill write about it later. Ciao!
-River xx

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