•~Chapter 11~•

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Y/n's POV
So far, I've successfully ignored Daichi for a week. There were greetings here and there but no full conversations. I might be overdramatic by doing this but I just don't want to get attached to him and get hurt in the end. Michimiya would talk to him now and then but I'm not really that affected by it. Though I do feel like Michimiya feels the same way about him.

I got my things from my locker and left a notice to my two bestfriends.

"I'm just going to take a walk after my practice, I might not fetch yall after though"


~after Y/n's practice~

"Hey, wanna go to that cafe that just opened?" Michimiya said as I was packing my things.

"I'm gonna go somewhere else, sorry" I say as I sling my bag over my shoulder.

"Ahh that's alright" she said as we said out goodbyes then went out separate ways.

Since we end earlier than the boys' volleyball practice, that's when I usually go and pick up the two. Though, I want to just feel a little relaxed so I went to the park and waited for sunset so I can watch the sky turn into a beautiful color and feel the breeze on my skin.

Daichi's POV
I've been slacking off in practice lately, I can't stop thinking about Y/n. I wonder what I did to make her ignore me. I would've brushed it off if she was just in a bad mood but in other occasions where I'm not with her she just seems fine. 

"Daichi-san, what's happening? You can't even spike properly" Hinata asked me.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm just a little rusty today" I say as Kiyoko hands me my waterbottle.

"You've said that for the past week now" Tsukishima pointed out.

"I'm fine though, don't worry about me" I said and then we all went back to practicing.

~time skip to after practice~

It's around maybe 5 pm ang Y/n hasn't come to our practice yet. The boys are cleaning up the place already and usually Y/n would toss some of the balls to me and I would put them in the basket. I remember one time she did that and I accidentally spiked it back to her and she got hit by it. 

"Daichi, what are you smiling about?" Sugawara snapped me out of my imagination.

"Oh what?" I asked and he got the ball from my hands.

"You were staring at this ball and smiling like an idiot" he said and then put it in the basket.

"Oh" I said then it was time to lock the gym.

We went outside the gym and bid our goodbyes. They went their separate ways while I locked the gym. Asahi and Suga waited for me as I hid the keys in my pocket. We decided to go to that new cafe nearby right after practice so that was our next stop.

"So where do you wanna go next? It's a Friday so we can just chill at the park or something" Suga suggested.

"Watch the sunset while drinking coffee" Asahi said and we all nodded.

"That sounds nice" I said as we went in the cafe.

As we stepped in, the smell of coffee lingered in the air and met our senses.

"Ahh it smells so nice here" Suga said as we went to the cashier.

We locked in our orders to-go and waited at a free table. We looked out the window and talked about the weather and some plans to do this weekend. Surprisingly, they finished our orders quicker than expected so we went to the park before sunset too. 

The breeze in the park felt nice, relaxing even. We stayed by a nearby bench and waited 'till sunset with our drinks in hand. I looked around and saw someone familiar standing not too far from us. I examined her closely and she reminds me of Y/n. 

Is that someone who looks like her or is that her?

"Daichi, stop going off in a daze. Are you alright?" Asahi said which snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I've just been thinking about Y/n" I said "She's just been ignoring me lately and I... I'm just worried about her"

"Just give it some time, I'm sure she'll open up to you eventually about it" Asahi reassured me.

"Yeah, thanks" I said then proceeded to watch the sunset. 

On the corner of my eye, I saw the girl about to leave the park. I gestured to them that I'll be back and followed her. Before she could leave the park, I caught onto her.

"Hey" I said and when she turned around I was shocked, it was Y/n.

"O-oh hey" she said with a shym look on her face.

"Um... h-how've you been?" I asked nervously.

"I'm okay,  you?"

"I'm fine as well, though I'm a bit concerned for the past week" I said and her expression completely changed.


"How you've been holding up" I said while rubbing my nape "To be straight forward, You've been ignoring me and it concerns me"

She cleared her throat and failed to meet my eyes. She awkwardly chuckled and then spoke.

"I'm sorry about that" she then looked at the ground and said something inaudible.

"I didn't catch the last phrase" I said and she just shrugged it off.

"Nothing important" she said and I nodded. 

I don't buy it.

"Since it's night, do you want me to walk you home?" I asked her but she shook her head in response.

"I'm fine walking by myself, thank you though" she said the waved at me.

"Never found out why she's ignoring you huh?" Suga said out of no where which made me flinch.

"No, I'm just gonna wait 'till she wants to say it to me" I said then we walked home.

Y/n's POV
I really wished I hadn't ran into Daichi. I don't even know what to say when he asked me why I was ignoring him. I couldn't just confess to him then and there. I went inside my house and got ready for bed. I just lay there, wondering if I should confess to him and just get it over with. The amount of courage I need though... 

I might get hurt since I know he still likes my captain and obviously choose her over me. Sometimes I just wish I was her, Daichi's ideal type. But, the world can be unfair sometimes so I just have to accept the fact I will never catch his interest anyways. I got my phone and to my surprise I have got a lot of messages from Noya and Tanaka. 

I'll just reply to them tomorrow, I feel tired today.

Hey... it's been a while. Looking back at what I had planned for this story, I figured I'd just combine some ideas and have less but longer chapters. I will try to update as much as I can and not keep yall waiting for another 3 months for the next chapter. Now that I have some free time, I think I can have enough time to balance this story and handling other things I'd like to do. Anyways, I hope you vote for this chapter if you liked it (I hope yall did) and just go on with your day and stay safe and have fun.

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