•~Chapter 6~•

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Y/n's POV

His smile

Oh no...

"Anyways" he stood up straight, finally catching his breath from his run "I'll see you later" then he left.

I waved, surely he didn't see that. Then the bell rang, signaling me to get to class. I walked to class and stumbled upon Tanaka and Noya on the way. I started... questioning myself while in their conversation.

So what if you like Daichi? It's not that big of a deal.

Yeah, it isn't. Just make sure you don't get overdramatic over it.

Seals the deal then.

We all walked to class together and took our seats, which were surprisingly beside each other's.

~after class~

Next class was PE... that's great. I didn't get enough sleep and got some bruises from stumbling on my bike, how can this day get any better? I got dressed into my PE uniform and went to the gym.

All my classmates were joyfully chatting with each other while waiting for our teacher. I just sat down on the bleachers, trying to see if I can sleep at least for a little bit. As I was about to drift off to sleep, I heard the teacher shout out to the class.

"Good day class! Now let's work those muscles of yours by doing some warm up exercises" he said then signaled some boys to get some mats.

I yawned and slumped in my corner. Oh God, I'm gonna die today. The boys and our teacher set the mats down and we all chose our places. I chose to be at the very back since I won't have to worry about my classmates watching me while I horribly do the exercises in front of them.

Maybe it was around 3 pushups and then I plopped on the mat below me. I'm super exhausted today and I hate it, I hate he's the reason for it. Again, I was about to drift to sleep when the coach lifted me up.

"Someone's pretty exhausted" he said then patted my back.

"Yeah..." I said then looked away from the class.

"If you don't feel good you can stay on the bleaches for a while" he whispered in which I nodded in response.

I'm lucky Mr. Yoshizawa was our teacher, if it was other coaches they would've forced me to do the exercises twice. They did laps around the gym and it made me dizzy so I looked away.

They were on break so that gave time for the others to chat and rest. I saw Noya coming up to me with Tanaka behind him.

"You don't look so good" Noya said then drank his water.

"Yeah, did you even get enough sleep?" Tanaka asked with concern.

"No... the funny thing is that I stayed up for something stupid" I spat annoyed.

"Well, I can tell the girls volleyball team that you called in sick so that you can rest" Noya suggested.

"No thanks, I can practice" I said then fixed my posture.

"If... that's what you say I won't force you to do anything" Tanaka said then held his hands up in the air.

Coach Yoshizawa blew his whistle which signaled the other students to do activities again.

~time skip to lunch~

I brought out my lunch to see f/f inside my f/c container. My mom probably saw that I didn't have enough sleep so she made this for me to cheer up. I smiled at the thought. I ate my lunch while the boys sit in front of me and eat theirs.

I ate my food in peace but I felt a pair of eyes just stare at me. Of course my first instinct was to look at the boys, which was right. Noya looked at me with confusion and concern.

"What?" I asked him.

"I'm still wondering what kept you up last night" he said then took a bite from his lunch.

"You don't wanna know"

"I do"

"It's stupid"

"Oh please, this guy came back to Karasuno just for the uniforms" Tanaka said then pointed at Noya, who swatted his hand away.

"You two promise not to snitch on me" I said while pointing at the both of them.

"We would never" Tanaka said with his right hand up and the left on his chest, Noya then doing the same.

I sighed.

"It's Daichi" I said then looked at my food annoyed.

"Wait... how come-"

"YOU LIKE DAICHI-" I quickly put a hand over Noya's mouth which drew some attention to us.

"You said you won't snitch" I whispered.

"Gomen" he said then sat down.

"But why him?" Tanaka asked.

"I don't know either" I said then kept my lunch.

"Well, we can help you get together with him" Noya said with a smile.

"No" I said then the bell rang.

I went straight to my locker without waiting for Noya and Tanaka. I got my books and went to my next class.

~after classes and practice~

Daichi's POV
I waited outside for Michimiya to come. She asked me to go somewhere with her since her friends turned her down. Apparently she was gonna go to a museum with them as their usual routine every Monday.

That's... kinda interesting. Going to a museum for their routine after school.

She came out of the school and went to me by the gate.

"Let's go?" I asked.

"Yeah" she said then we both walked to the museum.

~another time skip again~

We walked around the museum talking about how our day went. I told her about the film watching I had with Y/n last Saturday and she said she was happy we were getting along.

"I like how my team and your team are getting along" she said as we were on the topic of talking about our teammates.

"Well... mostly Y/n and my team but that can do" I said then we both laughed.

"She's really good at making friends" she said then smiled.

"She sure is" I said.

"I won't be surprised if I see her hanging out with almost everybody in the school" she said and we laugh again.

After walking around the museum, we went our separate ways and called it a day.

Sry I haven't been kinda active, school has been occupying me lately with the many works I have to finish. I have a layout of the story so I won't have to think for a month for an idea for the chapters. Again sorry if this was bad I kinda rushed it since im kind of excited to do the following chapters. I hope you'll like this story and support it until the end. Thank you guys! Peaceeeee ✌

H e a t h e r  (Daichi Sawamura x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora