•~Chapter 12~•

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Y/n's POV
I'm thinking whether I should confess to him or not. I just want to get this feeling out of my chest. Maybe after I confess, I'll start to lose feelings, yeah that's it. I'll just go up to him and say that I like him then baam I don't like him anymore. 

Next class I have is english, which is pretty easy for me. I can just doze off in class while waiting for the end of the day to come around. The second bell rang which signaled that classes are starting. The teacher came in and I pulled out my sketch book, drawing makes time go faster whenever I need to hurry the day. 

~after class~

Lunch came around and I brought out my lunch money and went to the cashier. I forgot to pack my lunch before I left the house but good thing I bring money too. I lined up and found Daichi's table. I look and he's sitting with the other third years along with another person. I look closely and figured it was Michimiya.

Of course he's sitting with her now.

"Ma'am" I heard someone say and realized it was my turn in line.

"Ah sorry, I um... want to order this please" I said as I pointed out the food I wanted on their menu.

The lunch lady began cooking the food as I waited on the other side of the counter. They gave me my food short after and so I got the tray and went to my table. As I turned around, I almost bumped into someone but I dodged it.

"Woah-" he said as he backed out a little bit.

"Sorry sorry, my bad" I said and looked up to see Daichi.

Of course I run into this man.

"No no it's fine, I was in a hurry a bit" he said.

"I'm going to pick up the two again from practice later" I say which brought a smile to his face. 

"Mind if we try to practice together again?" he asked which I nodded in response.

"See you later then" he said then patted my head.

A blush creeped its way to my cheeks as I was going back to my table. Damn, I didn't know his hand was warm... ish. My heart fluttered a little bit after that and I haven't felt that in a while.

Maybe because you ignored him for a week to not get too attached?

I sat down on my seat and waited for Noya to arrive. Usually it's either he gets called to the office or he couldn't find his pencil in the classroom. Tanaka and I sit there while talking about how our day went and what happened in the past week.

"Oh by the way, why were you ignoring Daichi-san for the past week?" he said then took a bite out of his lunch.

"I'm just... a little cautious about my feelings is all" I say as I look at my food with my spoon in hand.

"Cautious about your feelings? Why?"

I just stared at my lunch then back at him before speaking up again.

"I didn't want to get close to Daichi-san, cause I know I won't be able to know whether he is giving me signals or not" I say then finally eat my lunch.

"Huh?" Tanaka sits there dumbfounded.

"I don't want to think about the things that aren't true, like thinking he likes me back or something" I say then Noya rushes in the cafeteria.

"Sorry I came late!" he said while panting in front of us.

"Bought you food because you left your wallet at my place" Tanaka said then gave him his tray of food which is probably cold by now.

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