•~Chapter 2~•

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Y/n's POV
Days went by and I've been doing the same routine for a while now. After school I would go to the gym and watch the boys play volleyball, after that sometimes we would get meat buns together.

I went to grab some snacks first by the cafeteria and went to my locker. I brought a lot since Noya or Tanaka might wanna get some. I got my things from my locker and headed to the gym.

When I got there, they were doing stretches. I went to the benches then saw a guy in red stand beside it. He had blonde hair being held back by a headband and he looked intimidating. Kiyoko waved at me in which I returned. I walked passed the guy and Mr. Takeda, then I felt a glare coming from one of them.

"Isn't it that students aren't going to come here after school?" The unfamiliar guy asked which made me freeze in my place.

"Ah! She's allowed to watch them Coach Ukai!" Mr. Takeda said and gave him a warm smile.

"Ahh, alright then" he said then turned back to the boys, which were now practicing serves and recieves.

I went and sat beside Kiyoko and we watched the boys play. They were all exhausted and coach Ukai called for a time out. Kiyoko handed me some towels and water bottles to hand to them. The two crackheads came to me and got the water bottles I handed them. Not long after, Daichi and some first years came to me.

"Y/n-san, have you met our new coach?" Daichi asked after he drank his water.

"Oh yeah, coach Ukai" Noya said then looked at him.

"He... looks intimidating" I said then sheepishly smiled.

"I mean... he's not that intimidating" Tanaka said, handing me back his water bottle.

"C'mon guys, break time's over" The coach said which sent the boys running back to the court.

They were separated into two teams that were against each other. Both teams were really good. Both won each set and both still amaze me 'till this day. Especially Kageyama and Hinata's quick attack, that never fails to make me stare in awe.

They did a couple of more matches before taking a break again. Surprisingly, Kageyama and Hinata don't seem tired as much.

"You guys aren't tired?" I asked them.

"Nope! I really love playing volleyball and I don't wanna stop playing!" Hinata said with happiness in his eyes.

"Don't forget to take a break every once in a while" I said concerned.

"I won't" he said.

He and Kageyama went to the other side of the gym to practice while the others either stayed on the bench or were scattered around the gym too. As always, Noya and Tanaka were with me talking about volleyball.

"Hey Y/n, wanna play volleyball again?" Noya asked me.

"I mean... why not" I said with a smile, remembering when I was in the girls volleyball team.

"Let's play right now!" Tanaka said then he stood up.

"C'mon" Noya said then pulled me up.

"R-right now? Like, now now?" I said, still being dragged by Noya.

"Yeah! We aren't having a match right now so let's go" he said then got a volleyball.

"O-oh okay... but wait-" I said then Tanaka interupted me.

"You're wearing shorts right?" He asked.

"Y-yes..." I said.

"Then it will be fine" he said then caught the ball being thrown to him.

He stood near the net and held the ball in his hands. He nodded at me in which I returned. I ran as fast as I can while Tanaka tossed the ball to me. I jumped high and felt the ball once again in my hand. I spiked it to the other side of the net earning a sound of impact from the ball.

A breath of relif escaped from my lips, something that I haven't felt in a while. The feeling of spiking to the other side made me feel... accomplished as you could say. I earned praises from Noya and Tanaka then some from the other boys.

"That was..." Daichi said but clearly he was still in awe to even speak.

"You're good at spiking" Suga said to me then flashed a smile.

"Arigato Sugawara-senpai" I said then bowed.

"No problem" he said then chuckled.

"You should join the girls volleyball team" Daichi suggested.

"I did but... I quitted" I said with a hint of shame.

"Why? If you mind me asking" Daichi said then rubbed the nape of his neck again.

"I just... kinda gave up and lost motivation" I said then let out a nervous chuckle.

"We should play more often then so that you will gain your motivation back!" Hinata said out of no where.

"GaH-" I said surprised.

"Yeah we should" Noya said and nodded.

"Um... sure" I said then smiled.

"Then it's settled then. Tomorrow after our practice we're going to practice with you" Daichi said then smiled.

"Arigato!" I said then bowed again.

We started cleaning up the gym and gathering our things. We made sure nothing was left behind and locked up the gym. We all parted and separated ways after.

A/n Note:
Sorry if this chapter was bad, I'll make it uo to y'all in the next chapter I promise! Please don't forget to vote if you liked my story! Anyways- peaceeee ✌

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