•~Chapter 10~•

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Y/n's POV
I get dropped home by the two and they both go to their houses after. I set my bags down and got ready to take a warm shower. The feeling of the warm water hitting my sking is just relaxing.

Eventually I needed to get out of the shower so I put on my pajamas and plopped on my bed. I have been exhausting myself lately and I don't know why. I just feel so hyper lately and want to let it all out.

Though, what if what Tanaka said is true.

I'm not supposed to feel this way because we aren't even a thing.

But still, you can't deny that what he said really hit you.

True, I just don't want to get too attached to the point where I seem desperate.

Oml I already feel like I am.

Just- calm down. Nothing will happen to you, it's just a crush. Just chill.

~the next day~

I got my things ready to play volleyball with the boys. They're going to pick me up so I have time to get me some snacks.

Okok so I have... bread, no I had that for breakfast. I have chocolate, but I ate a lot yesterday. How about Imma eat some yogurt.

I got the yogurt out from the fridge and got a spoon from my utensils. I happily ate away until I heard the doorbell ring.

"Door's open" I shouted from the kitchen.

In came in a bald and then a bleach dyed boy with a volleyball in hand. They both set their bags in the living room and found me in the kitchen.

"Ooo yogurt" Noya said the stole the spoon from me and ate some of my yogurt.

"Hey that's mine" I said then snatched back my spoon.

"Jesus, so possessive" Noya said then grabbed some water.

"Finish that up because I wanna play already" Tanaka said and slouched in his seat.

"Yeah yeah" I finished up my yogurt and got my bags then we went to the small volleyball cpurt near the park.

It was kinda chilly outside, not that chilly that I needed to wear a jacket tho. It felt relaxing just walking to the park with this weather.

We arrived at the park and we set our things by a nearby bench. We took turns against each other while the 3rd person has to be referee. I chose to be referee first.

"If I win, Y/n-san is jealous of Michimiya" Noya said while smirking.

"If I win, Y/n has to ask Daichi out" Tanaka said and served to Noya without warning.

I didn't have time to react because the ball already hit the ground when I was about to speak.

"NO FAIR! YOU DIDN'T WARN ME" Noya complained while getting the ball.

"Nah nah I won't give you a point for that" I said while pointing at Tanaka.

"No, now go and ask Daichi-san out" He said.

"Even if I did ask him out he would just reject me" I said then my heart sank at the thought.

"Jesus Christ, don't doubt yourself" Tanaka said and shrugged.

"He likes someone else anyways" I said then I heard a sigh from Noya.

"I DEMAND A REMATCH" Noya said and prepared to serve.

I looked at both sides and gave a signal for him to serve. This went on for a while before we had to go home. Really, all that was on my mind today was just... Daichi and Michimiya. I'm in no right to be jealous yet here I am thinking about it.

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