Chapter 9 Real or Fake

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Jaden dashed across the road causing several cars to scream down on their breaks, just stopping in time from hitting him. He was now carrying Yubel on his back hidden under a black cloak on his back while a large chubby cat followed after him close to his heels.
Jaden was drenched from the rain and judging from the heavy intakes of breathes he was taking just showed how tired he was.

All the happening while unaware that a familiar lad with spiky blue hair and golden eyes stood dressed in a black hooded cloak in an alleyway across the road. Watching the scene play out with a smug expression on his face.

"That's it Jay, let's see just how far your willing to run".)

End of flashback....

Jesse sighed while beginning to pick up his deck of duel cards from the floor. The smile he held refusing to leave his lips.

What a silly boy you are Jay, thinking you could get out that easily".

"You should of thought about that before you let it into your heart....Oh! Just how long will you be able to keep standing strong jay?". He asked laughing away to himself like a madman.

The next day Jaden although supposed to did not attended any of the duel academy classes and had found himself back in the head masters office.

"This was your idea from the start wasn't it boy!?" The head master snapped banging his fist down onto the table.

Jaden didn't flinch.

"I am a graduate from the duel academy, I have no need to repeat the same duel classes I had been through before hand."

The head master side rubbing a hand against his now aching forehead.

"The deal was you acted like a normal student to make sure you do not cause suspicion and in exchange we give you and the child shelter. I mean the child has even attended the classes more than you have!. This isn't a place for children.

"So what...? You just asked me to come here to lecture me?. Because if you are than I do not have time for this!".

Jaden growled. Ignoring the anger calls of his name. Jaden left the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Stupid old goat..!" He hissed stomping down the hallway.

"I swear it's like he-!".

Suddenly Jaden fell down onto his knees with his right hand clapped over his mouth while the other grasped onto his shirt where his heart would be

His body shook from the pain and each time he coughed a stain of red liquid dribbled out from between his fingers falling to the floor in red droplets of blood.

"N-No....Not now!" Jaden grunted through the mouth full of blood.

He tried to stand out but his legs felt too lifeless to move.


Duel Academy classroom...

Alexis Rhodes was not in the brightest of moods today.

For one thing Jaden had been skipping all of his classes, his brat of a child was sitting next to her acting all cutie and smarty towards both the students and teachers.

And the worst of the worst!;

One of her closest friends has the hots for her man!.

One of her closest friends has the hots for her man!

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