Chapter 11 Dark Side

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Judal gave a low bow to his guests.

"I apologise for inviting you all here today. There is a matter of something I must discuss with you all."

Said Judal pulling out his chair and lowering himself down into the seat.

"Yeah you better!" Spat Jesse.

"What's the big idea, demanding that we bring our butts down here?."

Judal who was sitting next to Jesse gave him a side eye glare.

I do believe that isn't exactly how my invitation went out to you Jesse."

Said Judal. His tone of voice was spoken in a calm manner but it was clear what Jess said irritated him a little.

2 months before the meeting

Hidden in plain view standing in middle of the streets of domino city was Jesse. Chugging down a can of cola outside some random grocery store.
Once the last drop of from the can hit the back of his throat. Jesse crushed the empty can and tossed it onto the pavement.
Ignoring the angry glares from the people passing by him. Jesse took out a small piece of flavored gum from his Jeans and threw a piece into his mouth.

However someone stopped infront of the can and picked it up.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you, that you're quite the litter bug?."

Blowing out his gun bubble till it popped. Jesse turned to the annoying goody too shoes. Only to end up chocking on his gun before he accidentally swallowed it.
Breaking out into a coughing fit.

"J-JAY!?." He splutted from his coughing fit.

"H-How!? I thought that Yubel thing consumed you!?."

Judal crushed the can deeper into his hand.

"I rather go by Judal, and about that spirit Yubel. They are no longer a concern to me."

Trying to keep up the tough guy act Jesse frowned.

"Well what ya want? I got better things to be doing than talking to a walking corpse."

"In two months time I will be holding a meeting. A meeting which I would like you to attend." Said Judal.

Jesse laughed. he crossed his arms with a wicked smirk plaster on his lips.

 he crossed his arms with a wicked smirk plaster on his lips

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"You're not serious are you?. A meeting? Last time I checked we went our own separate ways. You end up dead and me living the high light life.

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