Chapter 9

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"An attack?" Collin questioned. 

Clyde and I had made it back to the guest room where we both quickly barricaded the door. He was in the middle of mindlinking his packmates while I made a call to mine. Collin luckily picked up in a timely manner. 

"Yeah, and so I need you to look something up on the council reports," I felt something familiar in the back of my mind after witnessing that flesh-mob. It looked similar to a graphic photo I remembering seeing on one of the council records. 

"Wait don't I need special permission?" I could hear Collin's finger clicking loudly on his keyboard, pausing as he spoke. 

"You have mine," there was a loud bang outside, but Clyde didn't seem to worry so I didn't either, "My bypass login is under the council file labeled 'jackasses.'" 

I could hear the mouse clicks as Collin searched for the file, "Ah, found it." 

"Great, I need you to go into council records about organized white wolves." 

"Uh huh," Collin clicked around, "Labeled Organized Annoyances?" 

"Yeah, I'll relabel everything when I get back." 

"Okay what do you want me to look for." 

"I need you to find any wolves who can morph or melt together organic matter or flesh." 

"That sounds disgusting." 

"It looked disgusting." 

Colin fell silent, probably concentrating on searching through all those files. There were hundreds of white wolves who organized into small packs or gangs, and among them, thousands of different powers and abilities. 

Another loud bang came, this time on the door, shaking it. 

"Is everything okay over there?" Colin sounded half-concerned, half-distracted. 

"I'll call you back." I quickly hung up, tucking the phone into my pocket and looked to see Clyde looking ready to fight. His mouth bared a snarl, fangs lightly forming.  

I guess it isn't a friend on the other side of that door. 

"Get behind me," the temperature in the room plummeted and Clyde shot me a confused look as his body moved to stand behind me, further within the room. Both our breaths could be seen as the banging on the door got more and more violent, the furniture we stacked in front giving in to the sheer force. 

Whoever was on the other side was big and strong. 

Not that this will be an issue for me. 

I backed away from the door, Clyde backing up step for step until we were on the furthest side from the doors which soon burst open. 

I sprinted forward, briefly noted the nearly 7-foot tall white-haired man that appeared to have body slammed the door, before I used the now knocked-over wardrobe as a stool, jumping off of it and swinging my leg right into his head. 

A satisfying crack emanated from his neck and skull as his now lifeless body flew to the side, skidding down the hall like a morbid ragdoll, his body seemed to decreased in physical size. 

"What the fu-" Another white wolf stood behind the man, she had crystals that covered her hands all the way up her forearms. I landed right in front of her, reeling back slightly to do a full body punch. 

She tried to block her face, but I smashed right through whatever her crystal-arms were made off. It shattered, both her arms, just shards of glass-like crystal going everywhere as my fist connected square in her face. Sending her backwards and slamming right into the wall behind her, the wall caving slightly from the impact. 

"Beta Vera!" Clyde hopped over the furniture and into the hall, running up to me and looking at me up and down, making sure I was unharmed. 

"We should take her with us," I looked down to the hall where there were a few other people running around. The girl was surprisingly still alive, and perhaps it was due to her powers, but what remained of her arms were not bleeding out, instead crystal remained over the stubs, a slightly reddish crystal as oppose to the clear one that was scattered all over the floors. 

"Of course," Clyde leaned down and picked her up, throwing her right over his shoulder as he looked down the hall like me, "We should head to the East wing, it leads to the main safe rooms, the guest room is compromised." 

I nod, "Lead the way." 


Luckily for us, running through the main building was relatively uneventful. Most of the fight seemed to be on the outside of the castle, though those we ran into were dealt with quickly. 

If they were foe, they met a swift and too-merciful of a death, and if they were ally, they joined us on our way to the East wing. 

Our little duo quickly turned into a large group made up of a few younger pack members, some children, and injured warriors. 

Clyde lead the front of the group along with some warriors, while I followed the group closely, making sure no one lagged behind. 

These people needed my help, and I will help them. 

My instincts were full blown, and I was a inch away from shifting. But they were nice enough to provide me with quite nice clothing, and who am I - the guest - to ruin it. I could feel something inside me boiling, something I used to push away, for that thing is quite dangerous, especially when the real person holds great power. 

Being here made that inner me act up. I've pushed her away so far down that I thought I buried her away when I was little. The one good thing that Alpha taught me. The impulses she caused were dangerous, especially when I was small and didn't understand how to control her or my power.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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