Chapter 6

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"So that's why I'm here?" I was incredibly furious with my situation, but my voice seemed to stay the same tone. 

"Don't kill me, or her," Kane was quick to respond to me, "And hey, per your 'Destiny' you are supposed to be there so make the most of it while Collin and I figure out your transportation." 

"You have 24 hours to get back to me." 

There was a long sigh and another sigh in the background probably from Collin, "Remind me who is the alpha here again?" 

"Alpha Locknight," I spoke slowly, more cautionary towards Kane, "Do your portion of the paper work please, I don't want to return to a pile of work." 

There was some silence before a brief 'ok' then we both said our good-byes and hung up. 

"Thank you for the phone," I handed it back to Clyde who covered it with his hands and soon locked his fingers together and rested them in front of him. The phone was no more. "Now, I do not mean to be intruding but is there any where I can freshen up?" 

I look to Alpha Dynes who was just staring at me with no expression and a near-death look in his eyes. 

"Uh," Clyde spoke up, "Please this way Beta Vera, and I'll bring something for you to change into." 

It was strange he didn't want me to follow him, rather he kept gesturing down the hallways and following me. I heard it was inappropriate for lower-ranked pack members to 'lead' their superiors and I guess Clyde is respecting that custom. 

"All the towels are freshly cleaned and this is the hot water lever, just flick it on if you want the water to heat up, else it will be rather chilly." 

"Thank you Clyde," I almost feel bag for tracking dirt into this pristine white-marble tile bathroom and even more pristine ceramic sink and other bathroom features. "May I also bother you for some shoes I'm a size 6." 

"Any preferences?" He maintained a steady gaze at me, and his polite smile not quite reach his eyes. 

"No," I paused for a moment, "No heels though, thank you."

He briskly nods and leaves me alone it this luxurious bathroom.  

Stripping the remains of my clothes, noticing my shirt had revealed part of my ripped-bra and part of my chest. It didn't reveal much, but I'm sure I showed too much to a bunch of strangers.

Turning to the shower, I recognize the lever for hot water Clyde had mentioned just moments ago, but there were so many more various levers and knobs that I had no idea what they do. And fiddling around for a rather embarrassing 5 minutes I managed to turn on scalding-hot water that most definitely burned my skin. 

Sighing slightly in defeat I barely adjusted it do a tolerable temperature. I took a generous amount of no-fragrant shampoo and watched as the suds turn nearly black as I scrubbed at my scalp and hair. I almost felt bad for whoever has to clean this bathroom after I'm done here. 

I just realized I haven't taken a shower in a long while, just not exclusive to today, since I locked myself in the office and refused to bathe or rest until the mountain of paper work at least did not touch the ceiling. Finances on top of reports on top of treaties on top of policies. And on top of that I one of the only pack members who can read the old-language. 

I must have smelled wretched. 

But no one would ever say anything to me for fear of me ripping off their head. 

I'm not that sensitive. 

I rubbed my skin raw since there were all sorts of layers of dried mud and blood on me, nearly using up the whole bar of soap just trying to see the porcelain white sheet of paper I called my skin. It was barely tinted red from how rough I was, and my skin doesn't really show signs of trauma seconds after injury. 

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