Chapter 3

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"So he just exploded?" Kane was finally decently dressed and sat behind his desk, holding what I think is last month's finances. 

"Yup," Colin sat on the black-leather couch, pushing aside the stack of papers that I also think are the pack's finances. "It was like watching Monty Python in real life." 

Rolling my eyes I sat across from Kane in one of the guest seats, feeling the old cushion barely move with my weight. I had also taken my second shower of the day, but alas the smell of blood will never go away. "It's definitely a work of a witch, a powerful one too if he or she was able to defy my powers with a simple curse." 

Kane nodded solemnly to himself, "Have you checked the council records?" 

I shook my head, "I doubt the witch had registered themselves with the council but I'll check tomorrow." 

"That's if they let you 10 feet within the front door," Colin grumbled like a pouting child, "And aren't those records only for the eyes of the high ranked?" 

Kane just scoffed, "That's what they want you to think." 

"Besides," I smirk, a rare facial expression that always is foreboding, "They can never say no to m-" 

**Alpha Raymond, Beta Vera! There is a white wolf spotted in the northern boarder near the falls!** 

Kane and I both shot out of our seats while Colin remained seated with relatively no reaction.

 Before either of them could say anything I had already made it out of the front door and started bounding towards the location. Even in human form I was still the fastest. 

**Saiph don't kill them!** I heard Kane's voice loud and clear and I clicked my tongue in disappointment. 

I already made it to the small waterfall that stood proudly on top of the small mountain. It was clever for the intruder to make their way here, with the pounding water hiding all noises and the mist and smell of fresh water disguising almost all scents. 

Almost all scents. 

"You can make this easier on both of us and come out now." I spoke with relatively normal volume, even the waterfall calms down for me. I began walking closer to the waterfall, knowing that there is a few caves on the top of the small mountain. Besides, I could already smell the fear that was so pungent in a particular direction. 

Making my way up I finally noticed Kane and a few other warriors finally emerging from the forest and also slowly approached all in their wolf forms. 

**Cover all exits, I think they are in the winding cave.** I looked around to make sure everyone scattered, only Kane continued up beside me. 

The fur on the back of his head stood slightly, an usual occurrence. 

**Something wrong?** I asked only him, where he just huffed slightly. 

**Nerves I think.** 

Strange. I shrugged it off as I noticed the white wolf had blocked the entrance of one of the caves with a rather large boulder. A normal wolf would have difficulties moving it. Perhaps their ability is telekinesis. 

Gripping one side of the bolder, I took a deep breath and yanked it aside, the boulder immediately bent to my will and rolled out of the way. 

**I think you hurt the boulder.** Kane's appearance was still on edge but there was a hint of amusement in his voice. And looking back to the giant rock there were a few significant markings that resembled my hands that were not there before. 

The scent of the white wolf was stronger now, and a slight tinge of blood that didn't bother me but seemed to really affect Kane. 

He seemed drawn to it, and his pace soon outmatched mine as he was almost sprinting towards the scent. 

**Kane be careful!** I don't think he heeded my warning as I too had to start running, only now feeling the sharp rocks that sliced up the bottom of my feet. Should've worn shoes. Though it wasn't much of a concern considering my feet healed almost as soon as they were cut. 

**Mate!** His voice was so loud that it even made me wince, and I'm sure the whole pack could hear his mind link. 

I followed Kane close behind until we found the white wolf. So small you'd think her to be a real wolf, and with a messed up looking back-paw it was a miracle she made it this far into the cave. And without spilling any blood in the path.

She seemed partially unconscious, but as soon as we approached her ears shot up and her eyes began darted to Kane, not even noticing me. Despite the darkness, us werewolves are able to see quite clearly at night, although colors are quite difficult to fully see I am able to see her crystal green eyes and pure white fur. 

**Careful Kane, she could be connected to the attack.** 

He seemed to ignore me as he crouched towards her, his ears pressed firmly on his head as he approached very submissively. 

If Colin was here he'd get a kick out of his older brother's appearance. 

She seemed to understand that Kane was her mate, and she calmed down slightly, not whimpering or struggling as much as Kane got closer and closer. 

Soon Kane got close enough that their muzzles touched, and Kane gave her a gentles lick on the nose, both of their postures relaxing quite a bit. 

But then I got closer, and she appeared to tense up immediately. Staring at me with wide and frightful eyes. Kane tried to calm her down, but she seemed paralyzed by my gaze. 

Suddenly she disappeared, startling both Kane and me until I sensed her right behind me. 

"A telapo-" Before I could even finish my sentence her wet nose pressed against my side as I felt my whole surroundings just vanish. The world suddenly got very bright and before my eyes could register where I was I could feel the strange feeling of plummeting.  

The Greatest Beta (Rewritten)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon