Chapter 1- The Deal

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Chapter 1- The Deal

“Why hello there.” Pansy greets me as I walk into the common room.

“What Pansy?” I reply knowing the girl is always up to something.

“Nothing. Can’t I just say hello?”

“Normal people say hello. The way you said means you’re either up to something or that you want something.”

“Well, you’re not wrong.”

“Then what to want?”

“What makes you think I want something?”

“You always want something.”


“What do you want Pansy?”

“Same thing I always want. Money, power, sex.”

“I’m not really in the mood right now.”

“Well aren’t you just full of yourself. Do you really think that I want to sleep with you?”

“According to the rumor mill, you want to sleep with my brother.”

“I’ll kill that little brat if I see him again.”

“Don’t take it out on the boy, Pansy. You know how this game works.”

Pansy rolls her eyes and stretches out on the couch. I yawn and lay down in front of the fire. She’ll tell me what she wants eventually. For right now, I’m quite content just to lay here and fall asleep. I’ve had a busy night and I’m sure I’ll have some hate mail in the morning. Oh well, I’m a Slytherin and by now I’m use to the hate mail. It comes with the title of Slytherin Prince. Naturally there are a lot of people that hate me. I’ve also learned that girls don’t like it when you sleep with them and aren’t there when they wake up. Like I really need the headache of waking up in bed with a needy girl. Ugh.  

“I’m going to fall asleep if you don’t tell me what you want.” I mumble.

“I have a little bet for you.” Pansy says in a way that makes me cringe.

“Go on.”

“You know how you say that you can get any girl to bed?”

“Yes. I can and you’ve lost quite a number of bets because of it.”

“Well this is one that I’m going to lose.”

“Really? You’ve found the one girl that isn’t all too willing to crawl into bed with me? I’ll believe it when I see it.”

“Okay. Why don’t you go climb into Granger’s bed and see if she sleeps with you?”

I sit up and stare at Pansy. She can’t be serious. Out of everyone in this entire school, she picks the one girl that hates me completely. Maybe I can weasel my way out of this one. If not, I might have to pay dearly. Even I don’t think that the mudblood will ever even be in the room with me, let alone sleep with me.

“She’s a mudblood. If word got out it would ruin my reputation.” I say.

“No one will know. Trust me, if you win she won’t tell anyone and I know you won’t.” Pansy smiles.

I struggle to think of a reason why this bet is stupid. She’s right. There’s no way the mudblood would tell anyone that she slept with me. She’d be too ashamed. Also, I wouldn’t tell anyone because reputation is the most important thing about being a Slytherin. Sleeping with a mudblood period would ruin my reputation, but sleeping with Granger would positively destroy my standing in Slytherin house. Shaking my head, I decide that I can still squeeze something out of Pansy.

“What do I get if I win?” I smile.

“I’ll tell the whole school that I’m not madly in love with your brother and instead tell them that I’m absolutely in love with Blaise.” Pansy says.

I pause and think about that. If Pansy says that she isn’t in love with my brother than that boosts his reputation, which in turn reflects nicely on me. Also by saying that she’s madly in love with Blaise, it reflects poorly on her because she’s of a higher rank than Blaise. This might be worth it, but it depends on what happens if I lose. I’m not sure if I’m quite willing to stake my reputation on this bet.

“What happens if I lose?” I say cautiously.

“I tell the whole school that you slept with me and that I’m the one that left your bed.” Pansy smirks.

“Alright. You have a deal.”

I stand up and shake Pansy’s hand. She smirks triumphantly and struts off to her dorm. Smirking, I lie down on the couch and start concocting a plan to woo Granger into my bed. Smiling, I decide that there are a few tricks I could use. One, alcohol and lots of it. Two, I can use her little crush on the Weasel against her. Three, I can always threaten her if it comes to that. Although I’ve never gotten to number three yet, but there’s a first for everything. Sighing, I close my eyes and decide to start Phase One of my plan in the morning. With one more yawn, I fall asleep and start dreaming of how happy I’ll be once I win this bet.

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