Chapter 3- To the library!

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Chapter 3- To the library!

I wake up and jump out of bed. Magically, I clean up and change clothing. Double checking that no one is around, I carefully sneak out of the common room. Smiling, I make my way to the library. As I enter the library, I head for the restricted section. It doesn’t take me long to find Granger. She has her nose in a book, but she still looks like she’s up to something. Smirking, I sneak up behind her.

“Hello.” I whisper in her ear.

She jumps and almost shrieks. I smile and walk to the other side of the table. Granger is glaring at me and I try to look innocent. For a moment I think that she’s going to slap me and leave, but then she sighs and closes the book she’d been reading. Smiling, I look at her and try to look appealing. I’m surprised when she actually smiles back at me. This is going to be easy.

“So how are you?” I ask, trying to be pleasant.

“Fine. You?” Granger replies.

“I’m not doing too badly.”

“That’s good.”

Granger looks down and I can see her struggling for something to talk about. I’m also at a loss of conversation topics. I don’t know what her and her friends talk about, not that I care, and I have no idea what she likes to talk about. Thinking hard, I try to think of something to talk about instead of sitting here and being awkward.

“How can I trust you?” Granger asks, looking up at me.

“I don’t know what I can say to make you trust me. You really have no reason to. I really am honest though Hermione. I just want a chance.” I plead, disgusting myself at how low I have to go for this bet.

“Kiss me.”

I look at her and my eyes go wide. Did she really just say that? Am I dreaming or did she really ask me to kiss her? For a moment I just stare at her, dumbstruck. I’m even more surprised when she stands up and walks over to me. She looks at me as if asking for permission. All I can do is stare at her and nod. Before I can react, her lips are on mine and I’m kissing her. Deciding that this is my chance, I nip at her bottom lip. She grants me access and I start exploring her mouth while pulling her on to my lap. She gasps a little, but doesn’t waste anytime wrapping her arms around my neck. This really is easier than I thought.

Granger pulls away and I look up at her. Her eyes are clouded with lust. She blinks a few times to clear her head. I watch her the whole time, just now realizing that my hands are placed possessively on her hips. It’s weird, but I actually enjoyed snogging her. It was… interesting to say the least. At least now I know that the picture of innocence isn’t a complete angel. Although I can tell that she’s completely inexperienced when it comes to snogging.

I don’t know what to say after that, so I just continue to stare at her. She bites her lip and stares at mine. If she kisses me like that again, I might just lose control. It’s weird because I’ve never lost control, but for some reason she drives me completely crazy. I’m chalking these crazy thoughts up to hormones because then I know I’m not falling for Granger. My heart starts racing as Granger kisses me again. I try to control myself, but as soon as she opens her mouth to let me in, I completely lose myself in everything that is Hermione Jean Granger.

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