Chapter 2- Phase One

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Chapter 2- Phase One

I wake up and go to my dorm to get change. No one else is awake yet, so I sneak in and out without being noticed. As quickly and quietly as possible, I shower and throw on my clothes. Smirking, I walk out of the bathroom and down the stairs to the common room. Smiling, I walk out of the common room and proceed to stroll casually through the corridor. If I know Granger, she’ll be in the library even if it is early in the morning.

My good mood rises when I see Granger sitting at a table with her back to me. It’s amazing just how easy this is going to be. I guess I never realized just how utterly predictable she really is. Smirking, I walk up right behind her and peer over her shoulder. She must be studying for that potions test today, the one I didn’t study for. Well, guess this has a double purpose then.

With a practiced hand, I swipe the book right out from under her nose. I quickly turn around and start skimming the pages. As expected, I hear Granger stand up and before I know it she’s standing in front of me. Smirking, I look down at my latest challenge. Right now she’s looking absolutely furious and highly attractive. Wait. I did not just think that. Uck. I need to stop sleeping on the couch. It’s making me think crazy thoughts.

“Give me my book back, Malfoy.” Granger sighs holding her hand out for said book.

“I was just studying.” I say putting my innocent face on.

“You can study with your own book. Now give me mine.”

“No need to be mean. Besides you didn’t ask nicely.”

“Please give me my book back, Malfoy.”

“Oh come on. Malfoy is my brother and I think you can ask nicer than that.”

“Please give me my book back, Emmett.

I smirk and hold the book above my head. Sighing in frustration, Granger reaches for the book. She’s a good six inches shorter than me, so she’s not just going to be able to reach and get it. Smiling at my brilliance, I watch her jump for it. My oh my she’s filled out nicely in the past year. Shaking my head, I throw away those thoughts and hand Granger the book. Honestly, my thoughts are taking a turn for the worst today.

I watch as Granger walks back to the table and throws her books back in her bag. Smiling I watch her leave the library and I must say, the back is almost as nice as the front. Shaking my head furiously, I turn and start to stalk my prey. If I’m going to get her in bed with me, I’m going to need to know more about her. This is why Phase One is recon. I’ll need to know everything I can if I’m going to find a way to get her to sleep with me.

“Are you following me?” Granger asks angrily as she turns around and catches me.

“No. I’m merely walking around until breakfast.” I say feigning hurt at her accusation.

“How come I don’t believe you?”

“Because you’ve never given me a chance.”

“Why would I ever give you a chance?”

“Because I’m really not all that bad. Honestly, I’m not like the rest of them. You’re smart Hermione. Look at me. I’m really not like them.” Maybe she’ll fall for the nice guy act.

“Are you asking me for a chance?”

“Well, yeah. All I need is one and I can prove to you that I’m not a bad guy.”

Granger bites her lip and looks at me. I try to ignore just how adorable she looks and instead try to keep my game face on. Ignoring the fact that I just called her adorable, I continue to look Granger in the eyes. I’m really hoping that this works because my thoughts are starting to scare me and I kind of want this bet to be over so I can move on.

“Alright, but you only have one chance.” Granger says.

“Thank you. I won’t let you down.” I smile. Granger starts to walk away and something hits me.

“Wait,” I say and grab her arm gently, enjoying the visible shiver that the contact sends through her, “when can I see you again?”

“Tomorrow morning in the library near the restricted section.” She says, but I can tell that she’s trying to hide the pleasure from our contact out of her voice.

“Thank you.”

I smile at her and walk away. This really is going to be easier than I thought. Normally Phase One lasts the whole day, but not this time. Smiling, I walk into the Great Hall. Its breakfast time and I think that I deserve to celebrate. Smirking, I sit down and wait for Pansy to show up so that I can tell her how easy it’s going to be for me to win this bet.


“What?!” Pansy whispers after I finish telling her about my morning.

“You heard me.” I smirk.

“Why you little.”


“Never mind.”

I laugh quietly and turn my attention to Draco, who’s been eyeing Pansy and I this whole time. He raises an eyebrow and look at Pansy before rolling my eyes. Draco rolls his eyes and goes back to eating. Now as far as he knows, Pansy was just flirting with me. This just gets better and better. At least now he won’t be suspicious of anything. Oh yes, this is going to be much easier than I thought. Finishing my breakfast, I stand up and prepare for a long day of very boring schooling.

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