Chapter 6- More than 20 questions

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Chapter 6- More than 20 questions

I wake up and sneak out of my room. Quietly, I sneak out of the common room and maneuver my ways through the corridors until I’m at the Room of Requirement. Hermione is sitting on the ground reading a book by wand light. Smiling, I sit down next to her. She closes the book and kisses me on the cheek, but I notice her checking me out. Hermione blushes as she notices my smirk and she knows that I caught her admiring my bare chest and Slytherin pajama pants. We both stand up and walk into the ROR.

There are armchairs and a couch in front of a roaring fire in the room. I sit down on the couch and Hermione sits in an armchair across from me. She looks at me and bites her lip. Smiling, I get comfortable and look her over. She’s wearing a tight tank top and a pair of long pajama pants. Noticing that she has my full attention, Hermione starts with the questioning.

“What don’t I know?” she asks.

“A lot.” I smirk.


“It’s a lot of hard work to be a Slytherin. Appearances and reputation are everything. There’s a social ladder and if you’re at the top, you’re generally well liked and if you’re low then people really don’t like you. We don’t have friends, we have acquaintances that are disposable whenever they stop being useful or if they do something to damage our reputation. Everyone has their own agenda, so you can’t trust anyone. If you aren’t very well liked around school, you find a few big idiots that’ll do whatever you say so that you’re protected. This is why Draco and I tolerate Crabbe and Goyle. It’s a constant game that the Slytherins play. Most of us refer to it as The Slytherin Game.”

“So how does that tie in to your bet with Pansy?”

“I had to accept the bet or else she’d hurt my reputation, plus if I won she would damage her own rep and restore Draco’s.”

“What exactly was the bet?”

“I think you already know.”

“I want you to tell me.”

“The bet was that I had to have sex with you.”

Hermione gets quiet and stares at the fire. I watch her to see if she’s going to get upset. Sighing, I stand up and walk over to her. She looks up at me and I kiss her forehead. Smiling, she hugs me before directing me back to the couch. Rolling my eyes, I walk away and sit on the couch. We stare at each other as she thinks of her next question.

“Do you love me?” Hermione asks.

 “Yes.” I answer honestly.

Hermione’s mouth drops open and she stares at me. I smile innocently and wait for her to process the fact that I just said that I love her. Once she processes the information, she smiles and blushes. She shakes her head and smiles at me with another question.

“I love you too. What’s your favourite color?” Hermione smiles.

“Well aren’t you random.”

“Maybe. What’s your favorite color?”


“Favorite food?”


“Favorite outfit?”

“What I’m wearing right now.”

“Favorite person?”

“Does family count?”



“Aww. Thanks. What’s your favorite Quidditch team?”

“The Holyhead Harpies.”

“The all-female Quidditch team?”

“Think about it.”

Hermione thinks about it and rolls her eyes at me. She crosses her arms and gives me a “really?” look. Smiling, I nod my head. I laugh at the annoyed look on her face and fall off of the couch. Sighing, Hermione shakes her head and fires off another question.

“Are you good at the Slytherin game?” Hermione asks.

“Of course I am. I’m expected to be.” I answer honestly.

“So now what? This has to hurt your reputation.”

“I don’t care that this hurts my reputation. I love you and that’s all that matters. If my parents don’t like it they can disown me and I’ll find a place to stay. I really don’t care.”

“Do you hate your family?”

“I hate my father and I have my reason why. I have nothing against my mother because I know she cares about me. My brother and I are as close as any two people can be, so I don’t hate him either.”

“Yet you don’t care if you get thrown out of the house?”

“Nope. I’ve wanted out for a while now.  Ever since that thing came back and has been inhabiting my house, I’ve wanted to get out.”

“What will your brother do?”

“I don’t know. We’ll still see each other here and I’m sure he’ll find some way to get out.”

“Is he as bad as he seems?”



“Sometimes. There’s things that we talk about and that I’m not ever allowed to tell anyone about because they show that he isn’t as bad as he acts, but yes there are times when he is as bad as he seems.”

“Where will you go if you’re disowned?”

“You mean when? I’m not sure where I’ll go. I’ll find somewhere to stay.”

“Do you have any other family?”

“I have an aunt, but I have no idea where she lives. Then there’s Sirius Black, but I don’t know where he is either.”

“Do you think any of them would take you in?”

“Maybe if someone else was asking or if I did a lot of begging.”

“You’re too full of pride to beg though aren’t you?”


Hermione shakes her head and rolls her eyes at me. I smile and lay down across the couch. Sighing, I close my eyes. As I start to act asleep, I can hear Hermione get up. She walks over to me and lays down on top of me. With a huge smirk on my face, I open my eyes. Her eyes are on mine and she kisses my nose. We both snuggle and settle in for a nice nap.

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