iii. second glances

40 2 0

Annalise Russo

My father had retired to his part of the house, and so now it was just me sitting in the living room by myself. A large book sat spread across my lap as I tried repeatedly to focus on reading, but it was no use. My mind just wouldn't stray from the deal with the Russians and my new bodyguard.

I had never had a personal bodyguard before. There were only ever guards on the property, or as drivers for important events. I hated the idea of having someone there to constantly watch over me. It would definitely require some adjusting.


I reach over for my phone figuring it's my father sending another list of rules for when he leaves. So far his rules include:

- Not going anywhere without my bodyguard

-Being respectful to my bodyguard

-Not forming a romantic relationship with my bodyguard

-Not going on any missions without his permission

-Continuing my training

I was not surprised by this list at all. To be perfectly honest I was expecting a longer one. Maybe my father is becoming more trusting of me. But I really doubt it.

I finally opened the text I received seeing that it was a notification about a race that was happening tonight. I look around me to make sure nobody is around, before starting to read through it.

Nobody knew about my secret love for street racing, or the number of times I have participated in them. My father would definitely kill me if he knew.

The race info mostly just stated the location and the fact that anyone could participate tonight. Perfect. This is exactly the thing I needed to get my mind off this whole bodyguard situation. I quickly rushed off the couch to begin getting ready.

I decided to wear my favorite pair of high waisted black jeans and a black long sleeve crop top. It was most likely going to be a little chilly, but not enough for a jacket. The weather was still at that stage of being slightly warm but still cold.

I reached above my desk pulling my car keys off their hook, feeling almost giddy for tonight. It feels like it's been forever since I last raced. Maybe there would even be some new faces tonight.

Heading towards my window I look around for any guards in the front yard. It looks like I'll be in the clear.

They always tend to spend the whole night playing poker, completely ignoring their duties. But at least it makes it easier to sneak out.

I quickly reach up and push some loose hairs behind my ears before I begin to lift the window. The breeze feels refreshing, compared to the stale air that always seems to fill this house.

Swinging my legs over I quickly maneuver my way down the side, using the pegs I placed their to get to the ground. I jump off a few feet from the ground, landing softly on my feet.

Breathing out a sigh of relief I start making my way towards the garage. My key ring twirls around my fingers. The sound of metal sliding together sounding slightly calming.

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