ix. trouble

39 2 0

Annalise Russo

I didn't dare move as Mr.Madden adjusted the gun so that it was even closer to me. I searched my brain for any possible answer I could give him, that wouldn't get me killed. I couldn't think of any reason as to how he would know about my father and the watch. Now I really wish I would have asked more questions about who this Mr.Madden actually was.

My body was covered in cold chills as I kept my eyes on the gun, I didn't dare try to move away from the gun just yet. I cleared my throat as I whispered "Mr.Madden, I have no idea what you're talking about."

He chuckled as he raised the gun higher towards my face "don't try to lie to me Annalise, I already know about this whole mission you and your bodyguard were sent on." I froze as he mentioned Graham being my bodyguard. Nobody should know about that, I didn't think my father had told anyone except for a few other guards.

"Mr.Madden I'm not sure what you're talking about, but I need to leave." I kept my voice level as I stared at him hoping he would believe me. I watched his reaction as I stood up, ignoring the gun following my movements. I needed to leave this room and go find Graham, our cover was completely blown.

As I stood up and took a step forward Mr.Madden grabbed my wrist and tried to yank me back. "You're not going anywhere Annalise." His grip was strong on my arm, but I swung my elbow back and hit him right in the face. I went to reach for his gun and grabbed both the gun and his hand. He grunted as he tried to pry my hand off the dangerous weapon. He was a lot stronger than me, but I was much more desperate.

"Let go, you little bitch." He spat.

I continued to wrestle him for the gun and just as I managed to pry his hands off the gun, he reared back and brought his fist to my face. I cried out as his fist made contact, his ring cutting my cheek in the process. As I stumbled back the gun flew out of both of our hands. It landed across the room, and I quickly tried to turn out of his grasp to go for the gun but he brought his leg up, tripping me. I landed on the floor with a loud thud and I gasped as the wind got knocked out of me. My hair flew into my face as I felt pain travel all throughout my body.

Mr.Madden quickly tried to walk over me and I reached up grasping on his leg trying to trip him up, like he did me. Unfortunately he was a lot heavier to trip than I was. He turned to me grinning as he reached down and grabbed my hair and started dragging me away from the tables and seats. I yelled as my hair felt like it was being ripped from my scalp.

He stopped and threw my upper body against the floor. He stood over me as he pulled a knife out of his pocket. My heart thudded as he brought the knife against my throat. "I don't need a gun to kill you. I could easily do it with a knife, that's how weak you are." He declared as he pressed the knife harder into my throat. I struggled against his arms hoping to get the knife away from my throat. This was not how I wanted to die. "I wonder what your father would think of you now. Dying on your very first mission. Such a disappointment." He remarked as he smirked at my struggling. The mention of my father and being a disappointment, got me more angry than before. I wasn't going to fail on my first mission, I could do this.

I continued to struggle and I grunted as I brought my knee up and landed it right in between his legs. "Screw you." I yelled as I fought harder against his hands, hoping to retrieve the knife. He reared back from the pain and quickly brought the knife back, and plunged it into my stomach. I cried out as he twisted the knife. The searing pain from the knife burned my insides but it was nothing compared to the pain I had felt before.

I quickly brought up my leg again and twisted it with his, catching him by surprise. He stumbled and fell over my leg, letting go of the knife. I reached for the knife, yanking it out of my stomach. Tears gathered in my eyes as the pain shot throughout my body. I wasted no time as I rolled over to Mr.Madden and buried the knife into his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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