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Annalise Russo

Sweat rolled down my back while I repeatedly hit the punching bag, my whole body aching. The air was stiff and all I could hear was my trainer screaming in my ear. Telling me to be faster, stronger, to go harder. The pressure built and built throughout my body forcing me to continue through with each swing to the bag. Just as I go in for another round I hear a voice.

"That's enough for today." I look up breathing hard, seeing my father standing by the door of our private gym. His arms are crossed and he stares at me unimpressed. I huff out a breath dragging my arm across my forehead, wiping off the excessive sweat.

"What's going on?" I question looking between my trainer and my father. My trainer's dark angry eyes don't stray from my father. I'm used to seeing these kinds of reactions around my father, wherever he goes he just demands the attention in the room.

My father looks down at his watch, as if he would rather be anywhere else. "Let's go Annalise, we need to have a chat." My heart rate increases as I think about what I could have possibly done to make him angry. I simply nod and lean over to grab my jacket from the bench beside me. I look back towards my father who has already left the room, I roll my eyes and I begin to follow.

The walk towards the office is almost deafening. I've practically picked my thumb to pieces caused by the anxiety I have for whatever this could be. My father never requests my presence unless he thinks I've done something wrong. And he sure as hell doesn't personally come and get me. My stomach churns as I see the large intimidating dark oak doors at the end of the hall.

Approaching the doors I try to pick up my pace seeing as my father is already inside, and most likely irritated. I walk into the office, the blinds are drawn closed casting a dark menacing shadow on my father. He's sitting at his desk with his hands folded in front of him, the papers surrounding him are neatly stacked. I take a seat in one of the two large leather chairs that are positioned in front of the desk. I lean back and cross my legs, hoping to look much more confident then what I'm feeling right now. "What can I do for you, father?"

He harshly glares across the desk at me, hearing the sarcasm in my voice. I shift my shoulders slightly, uncomfortable by the present anger in his eyes.

"You better watch your tone, Annalise." I quickly nod and glance down.

"Sorry father." He smirks at the slight shake to my voice, and I internally kick myself for sounding so weak in front of him. The only person I never seem to be able to stand up to is my father. He is the only person who absolutely terrifies me.

"As I was saying." His voice interrupts my thoughts and I try to force my eyes to stare back into his. "I recently have made a very beneficial deal with the Volkoves." My head shoots up making my neck ache at the force of it.

"Why the hell would you make a deal with them?" My voice raises several octaves. Why would he ever make a deal with them, when he knows what they did. To us, to mom.

"Don't you fucking raise your voice at me!" My father yells as he slams his fist down onto the table, causing my whole body to jump. My body slightly shakes, especially in my hands. I ball them into fists hoping that he won't see. "This is an important deal and you will do well to remember that, especially before you try to question me."

One thing to know about my father is that he hates it when people go against what he says. He has this twisted thought process that whatever he thinks is right, has to be done.

"Of course, father." I reply meekly. The urge to just get up and run out of this office was strong, but I knew that I needed to stay. After all, I was to be the boss of this mafia one day. My father was practically going against every rule, just to make sure that I would take over from him one day. The pressure that was put on me from his decision was one of the hardest things. I didn't even recognize my father any more, I didn't even recognize myself.

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