vii. sneaking out

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Graham Black

Sitting on the floor I lean my head back against the wall. I closed my eyes thinking about how terrified Annalise looked when she opened that door. When I awoke to her screaming earlier I thought someone was attacking her, my heart hadn't raced like that in a while. I could tell that she was putting on a front when she tried to ensure that she was fine, but I know that it's not my job to wonder why.

I was to protect her and that was it. I was stupid for trying to question her about her motivation for the upcoming mission. Forcing my thoughts to focus I started to go over what would need to go down in the next forty eight hours. The plan was fairly simple, but there were almost too many things that could go wrong.

Annalise didn't seem like the type to follow directions very well, but I hoped that she would be able to for this mission. Everything would need to go down perfectly if I wanted to keep her safe.

Leaning my head to the side I peer up at Annalise's door. I refused to leave after seeing how shaken she was. I could hear her shuffling around in her room, but I didn't dare let my presence be known. She would probably rest those chocolate eyes into the cold glare she always sends my way. And it was way too early for that shit.

I pull a cigarette from behind my ear and rest it between my lips. I wasn't planning on smoking it, but it was comforting to have it there. Closing my eyes again I attempted to get a little shut eye, but that plan failed miserably, when I heard her door swing open.

"What are you doing on the floor?" I looked up at her simply shrugging my shoulders. Her hair was pulled up into the tight ponytail she always wears before training, and she had dark rings under her eyes.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I mumbled, beginning to push myself to stand up.

"You can't smoke in here." Her eyes held that familiar glare as she gestured to my unlit cigarette. I smiled lazily at her as I pulled it from my mouth.

"It's not even lit, princess." I replied sarcastically. Her glare hardened and she quickly grabbed the cigarette from between my fingers, before stuffing it into her pocket.

"I don't care. And don't call me that!" She pushed past me and started heading down the hall. I rolled my eyes and began to follow her.

"Whatever you say...Princess." Refusing to look at me, her hand shot up behind her, middle finger raised. "Very mature." I chuckled as she completely ignored me. I reached into my pocket grabbing another cigarette. Putting it into my mouth the end grazed against my teeth as I held it in between my lips.

The air in the gym was cold and the white lights were harsh for the early morning. Annalise was already beginning with her warm up stretches and I stood against the wall, eyeing the clock. Her trainer should be here any minute, and it would be nice to have someone fill the awkward silence between us.

I would probably have to make some business calls while she was training. I haven't checked in with Mr.Silver since I started, so that would be my first call. I hear footsteps entering the gym and I see Ben walking with another man beside him. I eye the man who looks just as fierce as Ben, only he is slightly larger.

Looking towards Annalise I see her eyeing this stranger as well. I quickly walk over and stop in front of the guy. I outstretch my hand and he quickly grasps it. He attempts to intimidate me by squeezing my hand extremely hard, but I show no reaction.

"I'm Graham." I state looking sternly at him.

"Archer." He replies, before looking towards Ben who has his usual angry scowl on his face. Ben nods his head to Archer and I before heading over to Annalise.

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