Chapter Fifteen: Results

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Helloooo everybody. Okay so for some reason, Wattpad decided to kick me out. It wouldn't let me log back in, and i had to go through this (irritating) process of checking and fixing my password, resetting the email that I have listed... it's been a mess. But I'm here now if that counts for anything, and hopefully this doesn't happen again.

Also, I've rewritten this chapter in google Docs three or four times, and I'm still not satisfied with it. So if you notice any weak writing or anything I can fix, please let me know.

Alrighty then, I'll let you guys read now.


"Spider DNA?" Peter asks. "But how? It was just a spider bite..."

"If you'd been bitten by a normal spider, that would've been different. But Oscorp has been meddling in cross species genetics, which is dangerous to say the least." Bruce answers, handing Tony the stack of papers and test results.

"So it was what... a mutant spider?" Anthony asks, reading over the charts and numbers.

"I want to see!" Clint says, snatching them from Tony's hand. Clint looks them over, nodding and giving the occasional hum, before handing them back. "I don't know what any of that meant."

"It means that a mutant, radioactive spider bit Peter, and now he's showing traits similar to that of a spider." Natasha answers casually. "It would explain the ceiling incident, the food, the broken sink-"

"You saw that?" Peter asks, his face turning red with embarrassment.

"It's okay[baby spider]. You're not the first to break a sink in this tower, and you won't be the last. I wouldn't stress about it." Peter nods, feeling somewhat better about it. That doesn't change the fact that he's going to fix it, somehow. But it does give some relief.

"But health wise... he's okay. Right?" Pepper questions.

"Better than okay, actually. The epitome of perfect health."

"Is there a way to fix it?" Peter's hopeful in his question, praying that there's a solution.

"That, I don't know." Bruce sighs. "I can try to find something. But it could take time."

So far, he's shown enhanced strength, improved sight and hearing for sure. His metabolism is going to be a lot"Well what do I do until then?"

"Honestly?" Bruce sighs, glancing at the test results once more, before looking back to the child. "You make the best of a bad situation. Learn what's changed, specifically how to deal with it, and I'll continue to try and find a solution. Until then-"

"Welcome to the super squad!!" Clint yells, all but jumping up in excitement. "You've got powers now, like the rest of us."

"You don't have any powers, Barton." Tony chides.

"Oh yeah? Well neither do you."


"Anyway-" Clint looks back to Peter. "You now have abilities like the rest of us. So maybe you can hero too-"

"No! Absolutely not!" Tony interrupts (again). "I'm not letting my son go gallivanting directly into danger where he may be hurt. Or worse!!"

"Why not?" Peter questions. "You do it all the time."

"That's different."


"Because I said so!"

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