Very important authors note!

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Okey dokey.... So. Living with the Lockhart Boys is done. It's only just hit me, really. I have you guys to thank for this. I never finish books. Never. But I did this time, because I didn't want to let you guys down.

            I have a few thing is need to cover… the first being my blog. I joined Blogger (much to my dismayal because I swore I would never be a blogger). My blog is all about Living with the Lockhart Boys. You’ll find character backgrounds, author notes, what music I listened to while I wrote the chapters… All sorts there. I might even edit a few pieces and put them up there for you guys to read.  I've put a link to it. Just click "External Link". It's just underneath the picture and description over there -----> and it will take you straight to my blog :)

            Secondly…. I know, I know: Major cliffhanger. I didn’t even see it coming myself, it just popped into my head and I typed it. There will definitely be a sequel. 100%. However, I have exams in a week and then I start some really difficult stuff in college. After the exams are out of the way, I’ll start to think about the sequel and plan it before I start to update it. In the meanwhile, if you go to my Wattpad page, the edited version of this book called “Living with the Lockharts” is almost finished. It’s worth checking out. It’s not just grammar and spelling mistakes, the plot has been drastically changed in some places.

            Thank you so much for the support. This book wouldn’t have been possible without each and every one of you. <3

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