Let's Do This (Vol. 2)

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The night after the dock raid

The elevator to Professor Ozpin's office opened. 

"Ah, Mr. L/N." Professor Ozpin said, acknowledging him before putting away a couple papers he was examining. "Please." He said, motioning him to sit, which he did.

"I just wanted to discuss a few things with you." The headmaster said as he crossed his hands on his interestingly-shaped desk. 

"Of course. I've been wanting to ask you a few things myself, actually." Y/N responded. 

"As you know, to enroll at my school, students must first pass a rigorous entrance exam. You, as well as many other applicants, studied at one of the combat schools here in the kingdom of Vale, Signal Academy." Ozpin began. "There were an unusual amount of academy hopefuls this year, and you were, in fact able pass this exam. And your current transcripts show that you have been keeping up quite well with what you have in front of you. It has made me very happy to see that you're doing well." Ozpin explained with a small smile. 

"Thank you professor. It has been difficult, but that's part of why we do what we do. It's meant to be hard." Y/N said. 

"As you may know, the exchange students have begun to arrive here. The preparations for the Vytal Festival, Tournament, and Concert are almost in place. Am I correct in assuming you want to take part in all three of these events?" Ozpin asked. 

"Yeah. I feel like I'm in a really good mental state, for the first time in a while." Y/N thought as he reflected on his time before and during Beacon. "I was still working some things out at home before you accepted me to come here. I'm glad I was able to figure those things out before I came." 

"Please, do elaborate." Professor Ozpin said, listening closely. 

"Well," Y/N said as he thought back. "Less than a year ago my grades were the worst they had been in a long time, my health wasn't great, and I was in my own head. A lot." The professor nodded in understanding as Y/N continued. "But, now that I'm moving on from that, I do want to put my best foot forward at Beacon. It's what I've always wanted to do."

"I admire your determination and transparency, Mr. L/N. It makes me feel good to know you are comfortable talking to me." Ozpin said.

"I had some questions for you too, Professor Ozpin." Y/N said before he asked. 

"Please," Ozpin said, opening his hands. "Ask away."

"Why did you want me and Ruby to come here?" 

Ozpin hesitated for a while before answering. "Ms. Rose showed drive and skill in combat that night, though her poise is something that most certainly needs work." He explained, making Y/N chuckle a little. 

"You, Mr. L/N, showed courage, even though you most likely felt outclassed in that fight. And, if I'm being honest, I see potential in the both of you." Ozpin said.  

"Thank you, professor. That means a lot." Y/N replied. "Now, how do I get in touch with more guys here?" Y/N asked, knowing he would probably get a witty response. 

"Are your female teammates showing you trouble?" Ozpin asked with a smirk. 

"No!" Y/N said defensively, making Ozpin chuckle. 

"Well, I would suggest that you make friends with the exchange students, seeing as most of them are your age." Ozpin responded. 

"Noted." Said Y/N. 

"Now, I'm aware that you and Mrs. Belladonna, along with Mr. Wukong, stopped a Dust raid tonight at the docks, with nothing but your weapons and your wits." Ozpin explained.  "I'm sure you want to go your bed and go to sleep. But I want to know how you feel about what transpired tonight." 

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