Chapter Sixty Three

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After Eden finally allowed herself to break down and feel the pain she was able to start grieving in a healthy way. She had such an amazing support system around her, the team truly stepped up and offered her anything she needed. Eden still refrained from talking about her time with Loki as she still felt it was too soon. Nobody pushed her to speak as they knew it would take time for her to be able to talk about him without wanting to break down. Things slowly got back to normal after she showed the most vulnerable part of herself to the others. Natasha and Steve were going on missions tracking Loki's scepter, Tony worked on his suits, Bruce studied gamma exposure, Clint was back home with his secret family, and Thor trained with Eden. All of them found their places and returned back to their normal lives. Eden and Thor would wake up early and go to the training room and work until they could barely move, most of the time they didn't talk they didn't need to. There were no words that could explain how they felt, just being there with one another was enough. The girl found Thor's presence quite comforting, In some ways, he reminded her of Loki. Of course, the two were exact opposites but it was the little things. They made the same expressions from time to time, the way Thor spoke so formally, sometimes even the way he would say her name all reminded her of her love. Little did she know that her friend felt the same way about her, when she would use the magic Loki taught her he would smile to himself knowing that his brother's legacy would live on forever inside of this girl. After that day of training, Eden bids her friend goodbye and leans down to tie her shoe as it had somehow gotten untied during their hand-to-hand fight. Once she's finished she is surprised to see Natasha standing in the doorway with her arms crossed and the girl raises to her feet grabbing her sword and walks over to her. 

"you looked timid out there today" Natasha comments 

"yeah I just haven't been feeling it lately"

"I know Eden and I don't blame you but we're getting closer to Hydra and I need you to be ready, there is no room for mistakes ok?"

"I know, I'll fix it I promise" Eden nods before pushing past her mentor and walking through the hallway, she slides into the elevator and leans her head against the wall as the doors shut. She knew that the reason why she'd been off is because of him, she hated how everything always led her straight back to Loki no matter what. Using her gifts always made her think of him, the very power that rushed through her veins came from his own. When she was reminded of Loki it wasn't long until her memories were flooded with the horrible image of his dead eyes staring back at her. She wished she could just forget. As the elevator doors open she walks out and moves down the hallway not paying attention as she runs straight into Steve who was exiting her room. 

"I'm so sorry," he says holding her shoulder

"It's alright I wasn't paying attention either, uh Steve what are you doing in my room?" she asks 

"oh well it was meant to be a surprise but Tony asked me to build you the dresser he sent because it didn't come preassembled but I couldn't figure it out because it's in German so I was going to go get him"

"oh I see," she says opening her door revealing a large mess on her floor

"I'm sorry I tried-"

"Steve don't be sorry I can fix this" she shrugs holding her hand up, she lifts the parts into the air and fits them together perfectly smiling at her accomplishment, Steve stares in shock at her ability to turn a six-hour job into three seconds of her time. 

"I'm impressed" he says checking the dresser making sure its sturdy enough to stand on its own

"thank you I'm quite talented you know" she jokes setting her sword down on her bed before she can continue her eye catches a piece of paper and she grabs it holding it up.

"I know very well how talented you are" Steve responds. Eden does not answer but only sits down on her bed staring down at the piece of paper which had a beautifully drawn picture of her and Loki. Tears fill her eyes as she examines the incredibly intricate details of his face which were all accurate, she runs her finger across the lines and sniffles. As her eyes take in the rest of the drawing she realizes that this was from her birthday, according to the signed date at the bottom. That was the very day Loki said that he loved her for the first time. She notices Loki's signed signature at the bottom and gasps holding it to her heart, she had no idea he'd drawn that for her. Of course, she knew he was quite talented as she did go through his journals finding a detailed draining of her before they were even together. 

"Steve did you put this in here?" she asks softly 

"Thor asked me to put it on your bed, said his father gave it to him before you guys left" 

"why didn't he give it to me himself?" 

"I think that he's having a pretty hard time with this just like you are" he responds, the girl nods and pulls the drawing back and stares down at it lovingly once more. Steve moves from his spot and sits beside her on the bed gazing at the drawing with her.

"you look happy" he comments 

"I was"

"Eden you won't feel this way forever, I know it hurts to talk about him but in time you'll heal. eventually, you'll treasure those precious memories you share with him"

"you think so?" she asks hopefully 

"I know so"

"thank you Steve" she replies pulling him into a hug, after a few moments the two pull away and he stands walking back over to the dresser and moves it into the walk-in closet where Tony had instructed him to put it. 

"I don't know why he wanted me to have that I don't even have enough clothes to fill the big ass closet I have" Eden shrugs wiping her eyes 

"I think he's planning on filling it"

"oh Jesus"

"well, I better get going, leave you to rest" Steve states walking over to her door and pulling it open, she smiles at him as he walks through it and turns her attention back to the drawing. 

"Eden?" he asks causing her to look back up at him


"when I lost Bucky I thought that talking about it was the last thing that could ever help me, but I was wrong. I think that you'll find the same" he says before shutting her door leaving her alone, the girl stares down at the picture in her hands wondering if he was right.

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