Chapter Seventy-Eight

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Eden stares at Loki wide-eyed and shakes her head unable to speak as blood filled her throat. The stab wound she'd suffered preventing her from speaking as the pain spread through her body. She knew what he was attempting to do as he mumbled the words to himself, there was nothing she could do to stop him from taking her wound as his own. After a few moments, the girl sits up heaving loudly as her wound had been completely healed, and stares down at Loki in horror seeing his hands fall to his stomach as blood leaks through them, dripping down his skin. His body collapses on the dirt and she cries out instantly leaning down next to his head, and places her hands on either side of his face as tears fall hitting his own cheeks. 

"what did you do?" she cries 

"I couldn't let you die when you've barely lived" he chokes out

"Loki please you can't do this, you cannot leave me"

"It's alright love, you're stronger than I ever was you're going to be ok" he reassures her

"please please please don't baby I love you"

"I love you"

"Loki you fool" Thor cries as he lands next to them

"I am a fool"

"I'll tell father what you did here today" Thor nods as tears fall down his cheeks, Eden places a hand over her face as she holds in a sob.

"I didn't do it for him" he replies before his skin turns grey and his eyes lose their life. Thor leans back and looks up to the sky screaming as his heart burns with pain. Eden collapses on his chest and holds his top in her hands tightly as she shakes her head refusing to believe what had just happened.

"no no no no no" she cries moving her body back and forth

"Loki please" she pleads to stare at his face

It was then that Eden forces herself to wake from her horrible nightmare, which to this day would haunt her. Her eyes shoot open and her body jumps up in fright, frantically looking around the room. In her distress she fails to recognize her surroundings and moves out of the bed desperately looking for Loki, she peeks into the bathroom only to find it empty. The girl takes a deep breath attempting to calm herself before she had a full-blown anxiety attack. The only thing she could concentrate on was his eyes, his dull eyes after they'd lost their light. The girl clutches her head trying to push the image out of her head as the room starts to shake. Eden shakes her head continuously trying to pull herself back together, this hadn't happened in so long, she'd been doing so good. All of the worst-case scenarios running through her head, Loki was taken by the Grandmaster and killed, maybe he was taken back to Asgard, maybe he left and went to another planet to get away from her again. No matter, she knew then that she had to get out of this place, Thor needed her. The shaking around the room stops as she runs over to the closet pulling out her armor and strapping it over her sore body, not caring to be gentle. In her rush, she notices Loki's Asgardian armor hanging up and she places her hand on it, frowning in confusion. He would never go anywhere without his proper attire, he'd always preferred it that way, to show his power. She runs her hand over the material worrying that something went wrong in his attempts to gain the trust of the Grandmaster. Eden knew that she could not leave without knowing he was safe. She sighs in frustration and jogs over to the bed and pulls out her weapon from underneath her pillow,  and places her sword in her scabbard. 

Eden transports herself in front of the door and places her hands on either side trying to pry the doors open, after several attempts, she kicks the metal in frustration wishing that she'd been gifted with strength as well. The girl steps back and raises her hands, the familiar green encompassing her as she attempts to pry the doors open using her powers. She pulls as hard as she can for several minutes, breathing heavily while sweat drips down her forehead. She allows her arms to fall to her sides as she attempts to catch her breath and stares at the doors wondering what in the hell they were made of. She ponders transporting to the other side of the door but frowns knowing that she wasn't quite a master yet, and that would be out of her range. Eden places her hand on the bridge of her nose trying to use her head which was still groggy from the few days she'd spent sleeping and recovering. Out of the corner of her eye she spots the window and walks over to It placing her hand on the glass, she looks down at the ground seeing that they were extremely high up. She hadn't flown in quite some time so it would be a risk. She ponders her options, on one hand, she could be overreacting and Loki could have just left her there to rot, on the other he could be getting tortured and killed as she stood there deciding what to do. If there was one thing Eden knew best it was not to take chances with these kinds of things, she hadn't left the room once yet already felt off about the place. The vibes were bad. Eden takes a step back holding her hand up as the green light surrounds it, she clenches her hand and aims ready to blast the window and break out. The girl readies herself and takes a deep breath, just as she's about to shoot the door opens causing her to whip around ready to fight. She frowns upon seeing Loki standing in the doorway with a drink in his hand and a new blue suit with his hands up in the air he stares at her wearily. Eden drops her hands and Loki sets his drink down and moves over to her. 

"you asshole!" she exclaims placing her hands on his chest and shoving him into the closed doors, he stares at her in confusion and anger as he hits the metal forcefully. 

"what did I do?" 

"I thought you left" she replies with the partial truth, not wanting to get into the full reason as to why she was having a panic attack at his absence.

"I would never leave you here Eden," he says softly moving forward from the doors 

"that's funny considering you did in fact leave me after you of course faked your death, leaving me to grieve for two years" 

"what I did to you is the single worst-" he starts, only to be cut off by the girl raising her hand to stop him.

"I don't need any apologies from you Loki because at the end of the day I just don't believe a word you say, so let's get one thing clear right now. I don't love you anymore, the man I loved,  died that day. As far as I'm concerned you are my friend's brother nothing more" she states emotionlessly, despite her words her heart couldn't have disagreed more and they both knew it. It hurt her to say those things just as much as it did him hearing it. 

"I understand, and I respect your decision. You deserve better Eden" he says bowing his head, the girl turns her back swallowing the lump in her throat as tears threaten to expose her. She walks over to the bed and places her sword down staring at it. Loki glances at her and walks over to the edge of the bed.

"I've established trust with the Grandruler," he says staring at her from the side, she nods her head. 

"he wants to meet you" 

"I don't care, I need to get out of here"

"Eden the only way you are going to get out of here is by trusting me, and I know how that must sound coming from me of all people" 

"trust is earned Loki" she responds turning to face him

"we want the same thing Eden" 

"and what's that?'

"you as far away from this planet as possible" he responds causing her to inhale a sharp breath, his words struck her directly in her heart. In an attempt to keep herself from crying the girl stands up and walks over to him, extending her hand. 

"I will trust you, but if you betray me I will kill you" she threatens, the man nods and wraps his hand around her own. Both relishing in how good it felt for their skin to touch once more, even if it was just a handshake. As Eden walks away from the conversation she found herself feeling even more heartbroken than before, if that was even possible. She cried herself to sleep that night and Loki heard the entire thing. He had come away from the conversation feeling shitty, he knew that he needed to protect her from the fighting the planet was famous for. The longer she remained here the more likely she would be to show her power. If he lost her forever then so be it, at least he would be protecting her. 

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