Chapter Sixty Four

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Eden had spent the whole night debating between taking Steve's advice or just carrying on as she had been. After arguing with herself for far too long she finally decided that it truly was in her best interest to open up about Loki and what happened. She figured she would talk to Natasha as the woman had raised her, other than Thor she was the only one with who she felt fully comfortable talking about this information. She knew that the team hated him, they had every right, Loki was the monster who attacked earth to them. He tried to kill them all and become their leader, but what they didn't know the real him.  He was being blinded by this false promise of power, she had no idea who'd forced him to take on such a task. Eden was certain Loki would never have done something like that on his own free will, she knew someone else had to have been pulling the strings, though she never got the chance to sit him down and ask. The topic was always very touchy for him. Either way, she trusted Natasha not to judge her for falling in love with the enemy. Eden walks into the kitchen looking for the red-headed woman and frowns only finding Thor who was finishing off a box of pop tarts and rolls her eyes. She figured the next spot she'd be at was the control center where she would spend most of the day getting data on Hydra. She walks through the hallway stopping at the door and sighs seeing her sitting in one of the chairs with coffee in hand as she reads through a document carefully. Eden knocks on the doorframe causing the woman to turn around and smile. 

"good morning sunshine good of you to join the living" she comments pulling out a chair for the girl to sit in, Eden smiles and moves over taking a seat, and rubs her hands together nervously. 

"I was wondering if we could talk actually?"

"can it wait till later I have a lot of work to do?" Nat responds 

"It's about Loki" Eden states, Natasha sighs and clicks off of the document and turns her body towards the girl taking her shaking hands in her own holding them tightly 

"you can tell me anything, I will not judge you" 

"I know" she nods swallowing the lump in her throat 

"Eden if you're not ready to talk about him then you don't have too"

"no, I am its.. just hard"

"I know," she says, Eden pulls her hands back away from Natasha and pulls the necklace out of her black hoodie staring down at it

"I hated him, I hated him for what he'd done and all of the people he killed. I thought he was a monster. overtime I heard stories about him, and I guess I just got curious. my powers were growing and I was losing control more often than not, I started getting these vivid dreams about Loki and I didn't know why. things got worse after I confronted him for the first time after we arrested him in New York, I lost control and almost killed him. I felt this almost magnetic pull towards him after that. like I couldn't breathe or function properly. that's when I found out the truth, the real reason why Thor asked me to come back to Asgard with him" Eden says trailing off

"you don't have to keep going"

"no, I want to... Thor and Loki's mother Queen Frigga is the one who told me the truth about my existence. Loki and I were soulmates, at the beginning of time we were fated to be together, it was prophesied. I was born with his power inside of me with no hope to control it as my soulmate was trillions of lightyears away" she says holding her palm in the air watching as it glows green

"the power inside of me which stems from him was something he knew of his entire life, when he came to earth he met me and knew exactly who I was. Thor was asked to bring me back with them in hopes that I could somehow change Loki's evil ways and bring their son back. I don't know how it happened but one day I just looked at him and realized that I couldn't live without him anymore. I fell for him so easily and we were happy" Eden says dropping her hand as tears begin to well up in her eyes, she didn't want to get into the major details as she knew that it would be too much. 

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