Chapter One Hundred Sixteen

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"Everybody comes home" he says putting on the glove and screaming as the power courses through him he falls to the ground. Eden cringes at the sight of his skin burning due to the power breaking down his body. 

"talk to me Banner are you ok?" Tony asks

"ok" he shouts out holding his arm, he stands and then snaps his fingers before falling to the ground burnt badly. They all run over to him and Tony sprays some ice on his arm to help with the pain. She kneels next to him and places a hand on his shoulder nodding to him as a thank you. 

"did it work?" he asks, the doors open and Clint and Lang walk out of the room to check if something had changed. 

"it worked" Lang says, Eden looks up at the ceiling as the windows roll up and her face falls when she sees a huge ship shooting at them, the blast hits, and Eden is thrown to the side as rubble falls onto her, she groans and pushes it off before standing and reaching for her head which has blood dripping from it.


"Cap?" She walks around the rubble to find Tony laying on the ground with a large rock on him, she pushes it off and taps on his helmet trying to wake him up,

"ahh I'm up" he says, she grabs his arms and helps him stand, and the two walk through the ruins and find Steve laying on the ground Tony kicks him and he shoots up groaning.

" you lose this again I'm keeping it" Tony says holding up his shield

"what happened?"

"if you mess with time it tends to mess back" Eden responds, as they pull Cap to his feet and walk over to Thor who is standing at the edge of the building, they join him and take in the sight of Thanos sitting on a piece of concrete.

"what's he been doing?"

"absolutely nothing" Thor replies

"where are the stones?"

"somewhere under all this, all I know is that he doesn't have it" Tony comments

"let's keep it that way" Eden agrees

"you know this is a trap right?"

"yeah don't much care" Tony replies

"just as long as we're all in agreement, let's kill him properly this time" Thor says summoning lightning to suit up. The four avengers walk over to Thanos who is Eerily calm.

"you could not live with your won failure where did that bring you? back to me. I thought by eliminating half the population the other half would thrive, but it's impossible as long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those unable to accept what can be. They will resist" Thanos says

"yeah we're all kinds of stubborn" Tony says

"ungrateful because now I know what I must do I will shred this universe down to its last atom, and then with the stones you've collected for me, create a new one. A grateful universe" Thanos responds standing up and putting on his helmet, grabbing his sword out of the dirt. Eden tenses and feels her eyes start to glow green, she reaches back and grips her sword. 

"born out of blood" Cap says

"they'd never know it because you won't be alive to tell them" Thanos says making Thor scream and rush towards him striking him with lightning. Eden Throws her sword at him, managing to scrape his arm as he barely dodges it. She moves closer jumping in the air with a smaller knife in her hand to kill him, he catches her in the air and throws her off to the side. She gasps in pain but recovers quickly. Eden bursts into the air and summons her sword to her hand, stabbing him in the back. She is able to hold him down with her powers and screams in pain as he breaks through her mind, realizing himself. Eden grunts in pain and the titan is quick to throw her off but she lands on her feet. Eden focuses on his neck and constricts the airflow slowly, she tightens her grip and watches as he struggles to breathe. This allows  Steve, Thor, and Tony to continue fighting while he's distracted. However Thanos Is able to get his hands on Tony and he smacks him back into her making them tumble to the ground. Eden losses connection and lays on her back whilst her head spins. 

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