Chapter Twenty

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Eden had decided that the best thing for her to do was visit Loki once again so that they could do whatever needed to be done in order for all of the dreams and visions to stop. She wanted to inform Thor of what had happened to her a few days prior but she knew he would never allow her to go in alone. But the girl knew what she was doing, she wouldn't let Loki manipulate her and she would make sure both of them solved their respective issues without having to complicate things. She had decided to wait a few days to keep Thor from suspecting suspicious behavior from her, she had done her training for the day and waited patiently in her room until nightfall. She knew that the prisoners were fed after everyone else had eaten and the cleaning was taken care of so she figured if she hung out near the dungeons she would be able to intercept one of the maids bringing Loki his dinner. She hides behind one of the large columns and wraps her Asgardian cloak around her arms, she still had a white long sleeve and black pants on below but she was still freezing. This was another thing she'd been experiencing since the visions, not only constant nausea but also feeling cold all the time. She turns her head when footsteps echo through the halls and smirks as one of the kind maids approaches the dungeons. She walks over to the girl with a smile on her face surprised as she bows. 

"Miss is there something I can help you with?" she asks politely 

"yes actually, I was sent by the Queen to deliver Prince Loki his food" Eden lies easily 

"but nobody is aloud down there without Odin's permission"

"well, who are we to question the Queen's word?" 

"yes indeed, here you go. Have a good night Miss Eden" the girl states before bowing once more and walking back down the hallway. Eden sighs in relief and places her hood over her head hoping to look more like one of the maids approaches the two guards which block the dungeon. They look her up and down and move aside pulling the doors open for her, she nods to them and walks through letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding. As the doors shut behind her she walks straight over to where Loki's cell was located and notices him sitting on his bed with his eyes closed. Suddenly they open and he turns to face her, she takes in his face and is surprised to see how sick he looked. She places the food tray in the slot and he gets up wobbling slightly before approaching the food, he eyes her angrily.

"why are you still here maid?" he questions with annoyance evident in his deep voice

"because I need to talk to you" the girl states lifting her head and removing the hood which allowed her to remain anonymous. His face shifts to a smirk and he places the tray on the desk behind him and crosses his arms 

"well?" he asks 

"I brought a peace offering," she says holding up the copy of Pride and Prejudice she had borrowed from his room, his expression falls and he stares at it in confusion. She places it in the food slot and he grabs it quickly and flips through the annotated pages. 

"where did you get this?" 

"I was looking for a good reading spot and I found your secret library... I-I shouldn't have snooped but I just love to read and then I found my favorite book and your collection is incredible and-" she rambles nervously before he cuts her off 

"Its alright mortal, you may use my library if you wish" he states which surprises her

"wow thank you I-"

"what else have you come here to speak to me about?" he asks staring down at her with curiosity in his eyes. 

"Loki you know who I am?" 

"what a stupid question... You are one of the mortals who works with my brother"

"but who am I to you?" she asks staring into his eyes, there is a flash of something she could not recognize but it's quickly replaced with his usual evil look. 

"you are the human who constantly bothers me with your presence" he smirks 

"enough bullshit! we both know what we are and I need you to make it all stop!" she demands 

"make what stop love?"

"the dreams, the visions, the sickness, the cold all of it!" 

"what was a glimpse into my past too much for you to handle?" he taunts

"just make it stop" Eden stares up at him angrily, she hadn't wanted their talk to go this way but she was not surprised he was being difficult. He couldn't' make anything easy for her, no he had to string her along and make things much harder than they needed to be. But the girl was so tired, she hadn't gotten a night of good sleep in weeks and she was sick, there was no way she could continue this. 


"what?" she asks angrily 

"are you hard of hearing? I said no"

"why won't you help me Loki?" she demands 

"because in order for us to rid ourselves of the effects we must connect, and as you can see I cannot get out of this cage" he replies tapping on the field which kept him locked inside

"I can see how sick you are Loki, you act like I'm the only one who's affected but I can see it all over you. You're feeling everything that I am"

"you know nothing" 

"I know that you would never admit to weakness, but I am begging you to please stop this" she states calmly, Loki is taken by surprise but quickly falls back to his emotionless state and looks down at her rolling his eyes

"alright well in order to rid ourselves of the effects we must connect physically" he states

"what do you mean physically?"

"well I cannot show you in here"

"so you're saying If I get through that glass then you'll fix this?" she asks, he nods, and before he can respond Eden places her hand on the force field and absorbs the energy that was keeping him inside and steps through the boundary. She places her hand back on the shield and quickly returns the energy just in case Loki tried to pull any fancy escape plan with her. She walks up to him and gulps as she realized just how tall he truly was, she had never been so close to him before. He was towering over her just as Thor did. She pushes back her feelings and smirks at the shocked look on his face

"how did you-"

"It doesn't matter, now fix this please"

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