the 16 year olds

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Chase's POV

I don't know how long I'd been lying on the ground, but my head really hurt. When I finally stood up I looked around for my friends but I was all alone. Then I heard a scream coming from behind me. I turned around and ran as fast as I could, hoping to find one of my friends.

Right in front of me was a beautiful, modern log cabin, with a deck at the top. And what do you know? Arrow and Ryder found some spiders and they held them up to Arwen's face as she slowly backed into the tiny railing on the side of the deck. She was leaning so much that she was about to fall over the railing.

"Dude stop!" I yelled. "She's gonna fall!" It took a minute for Arrow and Ryder to realize what was about to happen, but they were too late.

"Ow!" She landed on the ground with a thud.

"Oh my god!" I ran over to where she was lying. "Arwen, you alright?"

"Yeah," she breathed as she slowly sat up and held her head.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?" She said looking up at Arrow and Ryder.

I then glared up at Arrow and Ryder, too. She began to stand up, so I grabbed her arm to assist her.

"Are you sure you're good?" I asked again.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good, my back broke my fall," she joked as we walked inside.

Once we stepped inside, I began to marvel at the high ceilings and the cozy looking log cabin the others had found. I was still standing in the doorway as Arwen went over to one of the couches and sat down.

"Chase," she said, waving her hand in front of my line of vision.

She broke my train of thought, and I walked over and sat on the couch across from her.

"So how did you guys find this place, and where are Kam, Hanna, and Miles?" I asked.

"We all woke up in these random places and I began wandering around trying to find the others. I only found Ryder and Arrow though, and they weren't much help. We actually were walking for a long time before we stumbled upon the cabin. But we never found the others." Arwen said. I could tell that she wanted to say more, she was just worried.

"Ar what's up? Are you alright, seriously?" I asked her.

"Well, it's nothing..."

"Arwen, something is clearly bothering you and you can tell me? You know that right?"

"Well it's just that Sera and Zach are all by themselves, and- and I just don't know what to do!" She cried.

"I'm sure Seraphina and Zach are fine, they have each other." I tried reassuring her.

"Yeah but- but what about everything else! I mean we just walked through a portal and now we're sitting inside some cabin waiting for some task to come to us while all of our friends are in danger! I mean, what the fuck? Chase, this doesn't sound at all crazy to you? We don't even know where the hell we are!"

Tears were now streaming down her face and she tried wiping them away but they just kept coming.

"Look, I understand how you feel. This is crazy! And I have people I care about and I don't even know where they are!" I said. She gave me a puzzling look.

"I may not even have siblings but some of the guys are like my brothers and Flora is like-" I didn't know how to finish that part so I continued. "I don't know what the hell I'd do if anything happened to her or any of my other friends!"

"I saw you hugging Flora right before we left, you must really love her." Arwen smirked.

"Yeah. Yeah I guess I do." I had never really thought about it like that, but she was right. My feelings for Flora were complicated.

"You know, she didn't say goodbye to anyone because she was too afraid." Arwen added nonchalantly.

"Really? She didn't tell me she was afraid."

"I don't think she wanted you to know that she was. If I am going to be really honest with you- wait, I shouldn't say anything, you should hear that from her." Arwen said.

"What were you going to say, Arwen? I have to know if it's important!" I started to panic as all possible situations flashed through my mind.

"Well fine. In my opinion Flora didn't say goodbye to anyone because she didn't want to make it harder than it already was for her. Well I think that-"

"Flora doesn't want us to know she's scared! She isn't sure that we can really do this." I exclaimed.

"Exactly," Arwen said right before she noticed my facial expression. "Oh shit, Chase what is it?" Right before I could answer Arwen's question, the doors to the cabin busted open and in came Arrow and Ryder.

Arwen's POV

"We found them!" Ryder shouted and Arrow clapped and cheered.

"Douches," I mumbled under my breath but somehow Chase heard and laughed.

Arrow and Ryder were great friends and all but in situations like this they were about as useful as a garden tool.

It actually turned out they were slightly useful because right behind them walked in Kamara, Hannely, and Miles.

"No," Kam glared at them as she spoke. "These crackheads saw us in the woods and they followed us into the house to get credit for finding us."

Chase and I burst out in laughter. We had never heard Kamara use crude language towards her friends. On the occasion that she did though, it was probably the best thing ever.

"Way to go Kam!" I exclaimed and walked over to the group who just walked in the door. "By the way, where were you guys?"

"I landed on the ground not too far from Kam and when we were wandering around we found Miles not too far from here, having a tiny mental breakdown." Hannely laughed as she told us.

"You said you wouldn't tell anyone!" Miles whined.

"We found him leaned up against a tree practically in tears!" Hanna continued.

Once the others dispersed, I turned around to walk up the stairs, to one of the rooms I had already picked out for myself.

"Hanna, Kam come on you guys will want to see this." The girls followed me upstairs into the house and I gave them a tour around the grand hallway with many beautiful rooms.

After I left them in their rooms, I walked around searching for my own room in the long hallway. I ran into Chase standing in one of the door frames.

"So, when are you going to tell me the real reason we are here?"


hey, sorry the chapter is so short but i literally just updated a couple days ago. if you couldnt tell, i already wrote this story on a google doc but at this rate i'll have to continue writing in a couple days which will take me forever! 

but anyway, im back in school and its nothing much to say about it

im currently practicing for my show, something rotten, almost everyday and it is going to be so amazing! just like this story, so au revior

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