the 14 year olds

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Zach's POV

My head was pounding. My heart was beating out of my chest. I groaned as I sat up and I began to notice my unusual surroundings. I was sprawled on a city sidewalk in an alleyway on the side of a building.

My next thought was Seraphina and Twila, I remembered grouping up with them before traveling to this- mental institution, I don't know. All I knew was that I had to find them and then we had to complete some task.

Luckily for me, Sera was behind me the whole time and was beginning to get up too. I looked across the alleyway to the building on the other side. There, I could see Twila beginning to wake up as well. Okay great, at least one thing is done.

"You guys ok?" Sera asked.

"Yeah, we'll be fine," I answered. No response came from Twila.

The next thing I knew, a loud bang came from the dumpster beside one of the buildings in the alleyway. Twila had just kicked it.

"What the hell Twila, what was that for? I thought that was a gun." I said.

"I am so done!" She yelled over the sirens racing through the city in the distance.

"What's wrong, T?" My concerned sister asked the girl across from us.

"Why did we follow some stupid teen into a place that none of us have ever actualy seem before? And why did we willingly split up and lose any hope of leaving in the first place!" Twila cried.

Seraphina walked over to the wall Twila was now sitting against and the two girls sat down and cried with each other.

"Come on? Seriously! Crying, already?" I exclaimed. They both glared up at me before continuing to sob.

"Look, we need to complete some kind of task to leave this place, and at this point it's the only option we have left!" Seraphina and Twila began to wipe their tears and they stood up ready for the task at hand.

"Alright, where do we start?" Twila asked.

I hesitated when she asked me that question. I really only did what I did to get them to stop crying because I want to leave this place. I didn't actually know how we were going to get out.

Seraphina's POV

"You don't know!" I screamed. "Zach, you literally just said you knew what we had to do!"

"No, technically I didn't say that," He hesitated. "I said that-" Twila then cut him off as she flicked his head. "Ow!"

"You idiot, you literally just told us that we had to do a task! You must know what it is then!" She exclaimed.

"No, I'm sorry but I don't. But we can figure it out, I promise!"

"Whatever Zach," I grabbed Twila's hand and we walked off into the city, without him.

It felt like Twila and I had been walking for hours, literally hours. But it wasn't really hours, we were just tired, and walking just made it worse.

For the most part, the city was empty but we could always hear sirens wailing in the distance.

A little later, we were walking for almost two hours when we stopped to sit on the sidewalk. Right as we were doing so, I saw a girl sneaking in between the buildings.

"Twila," I tapped on her shoulder while keeping my eyes on the girl. "Twila, are you seeing this?" She nodded while gasping in amazement.

"T, get up!" I said while trying to lift her off the ground. "Twila! We need to go!"


hey, so i really wish this chapter was longer because well it's literally 693 words...not lying

sorry it's short but i felt that i needed to update and this was the next part so yea... um anyway

thanks for reading

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