the 15 year olds

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Flora's POV

I was having a blast, you could even say the time of my life. My only worry was- well, I had no worries!

Currently, the girls and I were sunbathing in the bright rays of light on our lounge chairs. The guys were roughhousing with each other in the water which annoyed the shit out of me, but at least they were having fun.

I was finally beginning to relax and I had just closed my eyes when I heard a scream from a few chairs down. I looked over expecting to see something of unimaginable horror. I was relieved to see that the guys had taken a giant bucket of water and dumped it all over Devona. She was soaked and angry, and as a result she got up and chased after them, swearing quite a lot. The rest of the girls, including me, cheered and wooed as the angry girl ran down the beach after them and ended up in the water. The rest of us laughed and went back to doing what we were doing before.

It was about two minutes later when I felt a pair of arms scoop me up and throw me over their shoulder. My sunglasses fell off my head and I noticed that it was Kaz who grabbed me and was now walking over to the ocean.

"Hey!" I laughed. "Put me down you asshole!" But he didn't. He laughed at my joke and kept walking.

"Yeah sure, princess." He added sarcastically.

Kaz slowly waded into the water and then tossed me into the ocean a bit farther out. I crashed into the water and stayed beneath the waves for a couple of seconds when I began to swim to the bottom. It was really strange, the water seemed so clear, and I could basically see everything. I hit the bottom and swam into a tiny, dark grotto. The farther I swam into the water, the cloudier my vision got.

I began to hear a dragging sound on the sand behind me and I just realized that I hadn't run out of air. I could actually even breathe. I took my mind off of this slight distraction and followed the sound of dragging on the sand.

Suddenly the dragging stopped and I turned around to see a demon. It wasn't Rodrick though, it was almost evil looking. I screamed and swam out of the grotto and up to the surface as fast as I could.

Once I could finally breathe again, I opened my eyes and saw my friends all in the water swimming around, presumably searching for me. I turned my head towards Holli and saw her body relax. The first one to speak up was Kaz.

"Shit. What happened down there?"

"N- nothing," I stuttered. "I'm fine." I walked past the people standing near me and I kept walking until I was out of the water. But I didn't stop to sit on my lounge chair. I just walked right inside and to my room, where I shut the door and sat on my bed in the corner of the room.

I didn't change out of my wet swimsuit or even take off the soaked crop top I still had on. I just sat there in silence, hoping that nobody would come in.

I must've fallen asleep while sitting down because I awoke to the sound of knocking on my door. Before answering, I looked out the window and it was already near sunset

"What do you want?" I asked whoever was at the door. They clearly didn't care, because they didn't answer my question and they walked in. Kaz. I started to speak before he could but he cut me off.

"Before you say anything I want to apologize. I had no idea about-" He stopped and began to think. "Well actually I don't know what happened down there at all."

"Look," I began. "It's totally fine, I just ran out of air too quickly."

My answer must've been suspicious, but I didn't feel like telling anyone what was happening.

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