the 14 year olds

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Zach's POV

You know what the worst thing about chasing girls around an unknown city is? Well, that's exactly it. Chasing two fourteen year old girls in an abandoned city is the worst.

Honestly, I don't think I would've jumped into that tunnel thing if I knew this is where it would lead. Even if Seraphina and Arwen went through.

At this point, it was already pitch black out and I wasn't in the mood for walking any longer. It was basically pointless.

Before I walked across another block, I stepped into an alleyway almost identical to the one I had woken up in. I decided that it was time to get a little rest even though I had zero perception of time.

I had my back to the wall of my building and I sunk down into a comfortable slouch ready to doze off but I just couldn't sleep. Especially when staring at the dumpster in front of me. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until now.

I struggled to get up (but managed) and I opened the lid to the smelly dumpster. The odor however didn't match what I saw.

Glorious food. Suspiciously gorgeous food.

I didn't care though. I hoisted myself up higher and bent over to grab something, anything. But my actions were interrupted by someone calling my name.


I spun round to face Seraphina and Twila standing with some girl I didn't recognize.

"Oh, it's you guys."

I jumped down from my position on the dumpster and frowned at them.

"What were you just doing?" Sera asked disgustedly.

"What were you doing?" I responded, attempting to change the topic.

"Well, for your information, we were being useful."


"We found Wren." Twila answered this time.

"Who's Wren?"

The girls rolled their eyes at me and pulled the other girl with them forward. The gestured their arms towards her in a are-you-stupid manner.

"Oh. That's Wren." I nodded as I spoke.

I received a sarcastic smile from my twin in response.

"Right, anyway," Twila started. "Wren here has informed us a lot more than you have managed to learn. So, I suggest you listen."

My sister spoke next.

"So, think of this world as a virtual reality game. Anyone with the 'password' may enter and essentially 'play'."

"The game is simple. Once you enter, you have to complete these 'tasks' in order to continue leveling up. Everyone's goal in the end is to defeat the evil presence in the game. If you do that, you win." Twila continued.

"The tasks are unlimited, so you are only released from the world when the demons deem that you passed the tasks. Unfortunately, the only way to leave is by doing so." Sera said.

"I know everything there is to know about the world. After all, I chose to enter it. So we should have no problem getting through. I just hope your friends can too." Wren finished.

"Zach? Zach! Hello? Earth to-" Sera started as she waved her arms in front of my face.

"Yeah. Cool."

"Cool? That's all you have to say? Cool?" Twila added.


From the side of my vision, I could see Seraphina roll her eyes.

"Okay then. Should we get going then?" Wren asked.

"I guess so."

Wren's POV

In a way I'm glad the others found me. I guess it would be easier to get through the world together and I was lucky to have my friends. Even Zach.

Before we found the confused boy, Sera and Twila had tracked me down in the city. We sat down and I explained as much as I could in a short amount of time. The girls were thankful and less confused. I just wish I was able to explain to the others. They must be so lost and confused right about now.


Seraphina and Twila attempted to explain to Zach what I had told them. He was awfully confused and impatient though. I'm glad I wasn't the one who tried to explain things to him. He didn't seem to like me very much.

After they had done so, we began our walk back to where I was before the two girls found me.

I was on my way to the safe house; each realm in hiraeth had one. From what I had gathered, the one in the city was the worst, but it would make do until we could move on from here.

Seraphina's POV

After an unnecessarily long walk, Wren led us into a run down building. It was ugly and grimy- and I could go on, but that would be pointless because all of the buildings in this stupid city looked the same. Ugly and grimy.

The inside wasn't like the outside though.

Not one bit.

The floors were shiny, modern hardwood, and the counters were sleek and smooth. Twila was immediately attracted to the lavish sofa and inviting carpet in the living room. The whole place was grand, and frankly unimaginable. But I was happy to be there.

Twila, Wren, and I, all extremely exhausted, found ourselves comfy spots on the sofa and quickly fell asleep. Zach, still rummaging through the kitchen for food like a squirrel.

Upon waking up, I found that the other girls were still sleeping. So, I went looking for Zach. I noticed he had already disappeared from the kitchen, assuming he found food, and probably went to go check out the second floor. Something I had yet to do myself.

The second floor was just as sleek and modern as the first, except it was really just a long hallway with a bunch of doors leading to guestrooms, storage places, bathrooms, etc. I found Zach sprawled out on a bed fast asleep with a tub of ice cream wrapped in his arm. Typical.

I left him alone though, and decided to find myself a room. The one I decided upon was very comfortable and suited my taste.

While wandering around, I discovered something very unsettling sitting on the desk.

It was an old style letter with a red stamp seal. Addressed to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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