the 17 year olds

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Ross's POV

I awoke to the sounds of Michele screaming out into the distance. My head was pounding.

"I love you to death, but you need to stop screaming!" I said. Then she turned around and ran over to me.

"Oh my god, Ross thank god you're alright! I thought you were going to get hypothermia!" She yelled.

All of a sudden I felt a slight shiver in my body and I began to take notice of my surroundings. We were stranded in the middle of a snowy mountain.

Luke's POV

The guys and I have been running through the snow covered forests for hours. But there was still no sign of Michele or Ross.

"Maybe they found the lodge?" Cameron suggested.

"No, I know Ross, she wouldn't completely stop searching for us. She would at least be trying to complete the tasks." I answered.

The two guys behind me shrugged. We all wanted to stop and take a break, but we couldn't. We had to find the girls first.

"Do you hear that?" Cameron asked as he stopped walking and notioned us to do the same.

"Hear what?" Dean asked.

"The screams." Cameron and I began to run in the direction we heard the screams and they began to get louder. Dean followed us as soon as we began running.

All of the sudden we stopped running and ended up in the middle of a snowy valley. Why was everything so confusing here? Then the yelling started again. I spun in a circle trying to find the source of the sound.

"Look, up there! It's the girls!" Dean called out to us. From what I could see, it looked like they were stuck up at the top of the mountain in the swirling snow and the strong winds.

"Why aren't they moving?" I asked. Cameron being the science nerd he was answered for me.

"They could move, but they are already freezing and from where they are standing it looks like that if they move, the snow will begin to slide and they could suffocate."

"Well, how the hell do we get them down?" I asked. Cameron's face now had a grave look spread across it.

"We can't."

Michele's POV

It was getting to the point where it was too cold to do anything at all. Ross and I were already sitting on the edge of a rock watching the snow swirl around us. As beautiful as it was, it was absolutely freezing and we were only wearing our homecoming outfits. I was wearing a two piece dress set. The bottom was a small, red miniskirt and the top was a bandeau piece that hugged my chest.

Thankfully I had grabbed a random varsity jacket off the back of a chair and brought it with me before we left. I wasn't exactly sure who would wear a varsity jacket to a dance but I was thankful for it.

I reached over to Ross and gave her a hug as she was only wearing a small lavender bodycon dress.

"Ross, if we don't make it through this..." I shivered a little. " I want you to know-" I was cut off by screaming coming from down the mountain. The two of us shifted our heads to see who it was.

"Michele, Ross! Is that you guys?"

I turned to Ross ready to exchange a hug when I noticed that she was no longer conscious. Her face was pale, her lips were blue, and she had fallen back onto the cold snow.

"Guys! Ross isn't waking up!" I yelled as loud as I could.

"Whaaaaat!" That was the response I got from down the mountain.

"Ross is not waking up!" I extended my vowels.

"Watch out! Behind you!" I began to hear a low growl coming from behind me. I slowly turned around and saw three vicious wolves coming closer and closer to Ross and I.

I slowly reached for Ross's arm and lifted it around my shoulder, so that I could at least attempt getting us off of the mountain. I could feel the snow shifting underneath my legs as I began to run down the side of the mountain. I could hear the wolves struggling to move behind me as the snow was tossed up already. I could even begin to see the boys standing at the bottom of the mountain.

Suddenly, Ross began to stir next to me. I stopped for a split second and put her on the ground where she stood up and began to run with me.

"Michele!" She screamed. "We aren't going to make it! It's an avalan-" She was cut off with the sound of the snow piling on top of us. Before I knew it, I was unconscious too.

Cameron's POV

Luke, Dean, and I immediately ran over to the piles of snow that were the products of a scary avalanche. The three of us began digging through the snow trying to find the girls.

"Guys," I said. "If we don't find them in the next few minutes, they will suffocate under there." My words seemed to make them move faster and more diligently.

"Oh my- I found someone!" Luke yelled out. Dean and I ran over and helped him dig up more of the body from the piles of snow. Ross's face was pale and she was unconscious, but she was breathing.

"Ross!" Luke exclaimed. Dean and exchanged a comical glance knowing of Luke's little crush on the girl.

"Quick, we've got to find Michele!" All three of us turned around and began digging through the snow once again.

I began to start feeling hopeless once the snow was all turned over and there was still no sign of Michele. I turned towards Ross once I heard her beginning to wake. She began to stand up without saying anything to any of us and walking over to the rock a couple feet away. I could see that her legs were wobbly and she was beginning to trip in her high platform shoes.

"Hey, Ross, wait!" I walked over to her but she pushed me away for long enough that she was able to sit herself on the rock.

"You good?" I asked as I took off my jacket for her to wear. Me being the only smart one in the Homecoming room at the time, I grabbed an extra jacket off the back of the chair and threw it on.

"Thanks," she said groggily as she tossed it over her shoulders. "Where are we?"

"From what I can see, we are in snowy mountain terrain. The guys and I found a large, grand cabin only a few miles away from here. We are going back there once we find Michele." Ross's eyes snapped open.

"Michele!" She cried out and began to stand up, right before I pushed her back down.

"Ross, you can barely walk! How do you plan on finding her?"

But in response Ross screamed at me and then she got up and began to run as fast as she could, limping and struggling in the snow in the process. Dean and Luke quickly caught up with her and grabbed her arms before she could run any further. She struggled to move for the first few seconds but began to sink to the ground and broke out in tears.

"She's gone!" Ross cried. "She's gone because she saved me!"

"No," Dean reassured her. "We'll find her! I promise!"

"Or maybe she'll find us," I started. When everyone turned around and looked in front of them to see an alive and well Michele running towards us.

"Guys!" She cried out and Ross ran up to her.

"Where the hell were you! Oh my god you scared the shit out of me!" Ross cried and they hugged each other tightly.

"Aw, so cute," I said sarcastically. "But we need to go, or else we all will die!"


what's up guys, im back with another chapter after forgetting this story existed for a good three weeks

opening night for the show is tomorrow and im not too sure how to feel about it...

anyway, i've been feeling really stressed recently and i'm just mentally exhausted. 

you could probably imagine

but im dedicated besties so i'm just gonna keep going

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