4:Bryce & Gabriel

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                  Bryce Dylan Toppins was born into a wealthy family. His father was a  successful businessman, running one of the top industries in the city. His mother was a fashion designer. Mom and dad were usually always gone. I don't know anything about them other than that they are famous people. My whole life I have grown up with babysitters. I know that they mean well, I love them a lot, but I think that I would love them a whole lot more if they actually stayed both physically and mentally.  I never had any siblings, it was always just me and my thoughts. Sometimes I would worry the babysitters because they always thought that I went missing or something. Just to find me in my room reading or sketching. 

                   "These were not the brightest people I met, they were a bit shallow. I'm guessing they only cared about the money and not me."

            I remember being in the fifth grade there was this new kid his name was Gabriel. He was kinda shy, kept to himself a lot. He reminded me of me. I'm not sure if that makes any sense but it's true. Every other kid in the class knew that I came from a well-off family of successes and they were pretty sure that I was going to be just as famous as my parents are.  I was a very smart kid, I was the top student in all of my classes. People were saying that I didn't actually do my homework, that I had a personal tutor who did all of my work for me. That was not true. I would sit in class as a good little kid and do my work without any problem.

            I worked twice as hard as any other kid would have done if they had even tried. Gabriel was also doing the same thing. I was in the fifth grade taking eighth-grade level reading and math. I remember going to lunch, I saw Gabriel sitting at the table that I would usually sit at when I would want to read or get a head start on my homework. 

          Hi! My name is-. Bryce Toppins. I know who you are. I'm Gabriel. Gabriel Alexander Airy. So I see that you as well take the eighth-grade level courses, like me! Yeah, I had a very expensive tutor. But I didn't really need him or the other people that work in my house. Wait, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to tell you that. No, it's cool. No offense but for a well-off kid, you shouldn't be seen with me. Well, what do you mean? Well, it's just that, at my old school the kids were rich and popular. I am not. See I got into that school because of my exam score. 

              They usually didn't let kids in unless they were rich. That school was not my kind of school. But my mother and father were very proud of me though. They work so hard, so I make it easy for them. They never had to tell me to do anything. When they would come home I would usually always be sleeping. I guess you kind of can relate to me a little. I hardly see ever see my parents. They're always away on business. That must be awful. Never being able to have family time or do something special.

                            Well, I'm used to it. It's not so much as sad, but rather disappointing.

                      I'm honestly fine on my own. I can take care of myself perfectly well. Same here! Hey Gabriel, would you like to come over to my house today so we can hang out or something? Sure!! I'd really appreciate that. And from then on we still managed to stay on top of all of the classes and stay best friends till the end. I finally know what it feels like to have a sibling. I can truly say that "I've got the best Brother in the world. And I wouldn't trade him for anything nor anybody."

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