9: I Need You To Stop

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(Hi!!!! You guys are honestly gonna get sick of me. Anyways~, Ellington is feeling better now. It has been three days so let's get back to the story.)

Time skip. It's Friday. They had no school.

The previous night before with Evangeline and Gabriel.

Hey, do you wanna come to my house. Gabe said while walking down the street holding hands. Yeah sure. But let me call my mom first. Yeah, no go ahead.

Phone Call

Evangeline - Hey mom! How are you? How's the Wrestlemania backlash going?

Evangeline's mom- Well, Eva all I can say is, it's going. You know who your mama is right?.

Evangeline - Yes ma'am!! Charlotte Flair.

Evangeline's mom- And what do we Flair- Pakston's do?

Both- Never stop working hard to get what's ours!!!

Evangeline - Mom I wanted to ask you if I can go over to Gabriel's house?

Charlotte - Yeah sure. Go ahead. But if it gets too late you either stay at his house for the night or he walks you home and he stays the night, because I'm not home.

Evangeline - Okay mom thanks. Oh! Do you wanna say hi to Gabriel?

Charlotte - Of course, I do!! Hi Gabriel!

Gabriel - Hey Miss Flair! How you?

Charlotte - Well I'm doing just fine honey thank you for asking. And is it okay with you if she sleeps over or can you walk her home and stay there with her. She really doesn't like being left alone by herself when I'm not home, because of wrestling.

Gabriel - Yeah sure. I don't mind if she sleeps over or if I stay over. I'll just let my mom know.

Charlotte - Thank you!! Okay well, I have to go. I will talk to y'all later. Bye guys. Be safe.

Both- Bye!!

At Gabriel's house
So what do you wanna do? Asked Gabriel. Um, we can watch a movie. I suggested. We can do that after, you tell me what are you do about the Ellington situation. I am going to tell her how she made me feel. And since we have no school tomorrow, I'll tell her. That's my girl. Do you want me to tell Bryce to come as well? And where are we going to meet so you can tell her? He asked. Yes to bringing Bryce and we'll just go to her house because she wants all of us there tomorrow anyway. Okay fine with me. He said as he put on the movie.

Time travel
It's about an hour into the movie and Evangeline had fallen asleep on Gabriel's shoulder. Thirty minutes later Gabriel falls asleep. They are both sleeping in bed cuddling(aww how cute).
More time travel
It's about 11:00 am and they had to be at Ellington's house by 1:00 pm. They the one hour they have to themselves begin.

Waking up
I roll over and wrap my leg around Gabriel and play with his curly hair. Oh so soft. I whispered to myself. About five minutes later, I start to get out of bed when he woke up and said" No don't leave me. Come back to bed. Please, princess!!! I'm not leaving you I'm just gonna go take a shower and get dressed. He sighed dramatically. Fine. Just don't take all the hot water. I won't make any promises. I shouted back from the bathroom

10 minutes later
Gabriel. I'm done. You can get in now. I shouted as I finish putting my shirt on and walking out of the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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