Chapter 5- Forgive and Forget

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of angry Gryffindors. I put on my dressing gown and walked into the common room to find them crowded round a small blonde first year.

"How did he get in here?"

"Alright, own up! Who gave this snake the password?"

"Get out you-"

"STOP!" I cried.

The Gryffindors parted to reveal Draco. They gave me a confused look.

"He's my friend, now back off. If you must know, I gave him the password," I lied. I wondered who did give him the password. I was about to say something else when a familiar voice spoke. Fred.

"I suggest you should all go back to your dormitories so Kyra and Draco can chat privately." I felt his hand on my shoulder and when I looked up at him, he smirked and mouthed, "Your welcome". He followed everyone back to the dormitories and as he did so, Draco gave him a venemous look. What was up with him?

I wasn't going to delay the issue. I was going to give it to him straight.

"You lied to me Draco. You lied. Why would you do that? To me? Your best friend?"

"I didnt want to hurt you. As soon as I met you, I knew that we would be inseperable. When the letter saying we had got into Hogwarts came, I didn't know what to do. I knew you would be in a different house and that you would be just as distraught as I was if you found out. I was going to tell you but... but...."

"But you couldn't, could you? You were too proud to admit you were wrong." I turned away from him and felt his hand on my arm.

"Kyra! Wait!" I turned back to see the real Draco. He looked sorry, genuinely sorry. I had never seen that side of him and made me feel guilty. He wanted forgiveness and I supposed I had better give it to him other wise I would lose my only friend. (Well, there was that Granger girl but she was just plain annoying).

"Draco, I will forgive you on one condition. Never ever lie to me again. Understand?"

He nodded.

"Then we're friends again," and I hugged him like the bouncy and gullible eleven year old I was.

It was only one little lie about who is allowed in what house. No harm done right?

Wrong! Extremely wrong!


Hey guys,

I am sooooooooo sorry for the long update. I have been so busy with school stuff, and I went to Germany with the school, so I haven't really had time. Also, I know that this chapter is a bit rubbish and a bit short, but the next chapters will be a lot better. I forgot to say at the beginning of the book that everything belongs to J.K Rowling so no copyright intended. One more thing...... MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!

LJ xoxo

P.S: Vote, comment!!!!!

P.P.S: In your comments, write if you think I should do a Lord of the Rings instant messaging.

P.P.P.S: Check out my other stuff!

P.P.P.P.S: Can people please make me covers for this and the other stuff.

Byeeeeeeeen :P

Trying to Lie // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now