Chapter 8- Goodbye Letters

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Dearest Fred,

I'm sorry for running away like that without an explanation. I needed to catch up with Draco. He had indeed told me lies about your family and now we are no longer friends. He told me that he loved me and it is breaking my heart as I most likely am breaking yours right now. I am sorry. Yes, maybe, even though I never showed it, I do love you. However, at this moment in time, I cannot face you or Draco or even Hogwarts. That is why I am leaving. I will be going to the muggle school my parents had signed me up for before they knew I had magic. It is an all girls school. I am sure I will make new friends, but I know I will never forget you. Tell George I said goodbye.

Love, Kyra xx

P.S: If you want to write, ask Granger.

Dearest Draco,

I do not blame you for hating me right now. I must admit, I was shocked when you told me the truth. Not just your feelings but about the Weasleys also. I have forgiven you, but I know you have not forgiven me. I hope one day you will find the strength to so we can be friends again. However, hope is but a word and I know we can never be friends again. It is my turn to tell you the truth even if it will hurt you. I have always considered you as the big brother I never had. And yes, I do love Fred. I am not sorry for this. I would like you to know that the thought of you and him is slowly breaking my heart bit by bit. That is why, I am leaving. Leaving, him, Hogwarts and you. I am going to live as a muggle. I can see your disgusted face now as I write this. Tell Dobby I said goodbye.

Love Kyra xx

P.S: If you want to write, ask Granger.

I attached these letters to Barney, my owl, and off he flew to deliver them. As I packed, the tears flooded down my face. No more Hogwarts, no more Fred, no more Draco, no more magic. Off to a good old muggle all girls boarding school, where I would be the new girl once more. I walked downstairs to collect my wand and my broom. I was not leaving those behind. I walked out the door and put my suitcase and essentials in the boot of my mother's car. I was just about to get into the car when I heard someone calling my name. I looked around and saw George Weasley.

"Kyra! Kyra! Wait!"

"What do you want George?"

"What was on that letter, Fred's a mess."

My heart fluttered. He cared.

"Best he tell you, George."

"You're leaving aren't you?"

I slowly nodded, my eyes tearing up.

"Do you have to go?"

"Yes. It's better if I do. I've caused enough trouble."

"Well then, I see I'm not going to be able to make you stay. So just to let you know, you're the best seeker I've ever seen," and he pulled me into a hug. I cried and cried and he just held me there.  Then we pulled apart.

"You know, Kyra, Fred really loves you, and we all think you're great company."

I smiled.

"Go on, you'll be late for school", and he hurried me into the car. I could see the tears in his eyes.

"Goodbye Kyra Smith."

My mother drove off, and I could just see the tear rolling down his cheek.


The End!

Isn't it sad? But don't worry guys, there will be a sequel, it's called Secrets Revealed and I will let you know when it's up! Sorry for not updating for soooo long I was just soooo busy. Also my other two books are going to be deleted off Wattpad as I just do not see where I can continue with them. I will write something else to replace them though!!!!!!!!!!! So thanks for keeping up with the book, and remember to vote and comment! I love to hear feedback, it helps me to fix and improve stuff!!! One more thing, follow me on instagram: @ljtheultimategalaxydefender

Love you guys loads,

LJ xx

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