Chapter 1- My Best Friend

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"Draco, Draco! How am I doing?"

"Fine, just keep looking for that snitch. It can be a right pig sometimes," he yelled up at me. (cue to OOC Draco Malfoy)


I was outside Malfoy Manor with my best friend (because he'd really be best friends with a muggleborn), Draco Malfoy. He was training me as a Seeker and I was listening to his every word. He said to me that when I joined Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in a month's time, I would be the perfect Seeker on the Slytherin team. I knew that he was telling the truth (i've created such an annoying protagonist, omg). I always believed Draco, (well, don't) I had known him since I was born. He was the one that told me I was a witch, the one that told me all about the wizarding world, the one that taught me what muggles were and the one who took me to Diagon Alley only last week to buy my spell books, my owl, my wand and most importantly by (back at it with the typos, I see) Nimbus 2000. He would be the one at Hogwarts that would look after me and help me. He wouldn't let anyone hurt me. Sure, he was only a couple of months older than me, but I still looked up to him like a father figure. (taking the readers' advice on, brother, not father, ew)

At that moment, he was timing me on how long it took me to find the snitch. A flash of gold whizzed past me and I chased it at full speed. A surge of adrenalin (typo!) rushed through me. This was the moment I was waiting for. I stretched my hand out and felt it close around the tiny little ball. (definitely sounds odd out of context) I was just about to dive down to Draco when I spotted a large building ahead. Beyond that was a large plot of land, where I saw people on broomsticks and they were... no.... they couldn't be. Could they? (yes they could, and sure; the Malfoys definitely live in rural Devon?!)  They were playing Quidditch. Each one of those people had flaming red hair. I was going to move forward to investigate but then I remembered the little blonde wizard with his stopwatch (laughing at the image of Malfoy with a stopwatch like a little P.E teacher) looking up at me confused. I dove down and saw Draco beaming at me.

"Well, how did I do?" I asked.

"Well my little friend (so OOC, it's actually cringy), even with that pause a moment ago, YOU BEAT YOUR RECORD!!! (writing in full caps just makes me nauseous)", he screamed at me.

I smiled and started jumping up and down with him (again, because Draco's really that friendly...I still love him though). We had been training for weeks to get to this point and we finally did it (well done you, you gullible little witch). I was so excited that the red headed wizards disappeared from my mind.

"I think this calls for a celebration. FATHER!"

"Draco, what is it this time? Let me guess. The Nimbus isn't fast enough?" Mr Malfoy emerged from the front door of the manor, his blond hair gleaming in the sunlight, "Oh. Hello Kyra. You look happy."

"Hello sir. I am extremely happy."

"And why would that be exactly?"

"I think we should let Draco explain sir."

Mr Malfoy turned towards his son, his eyebrow raised. Draco blushed, his cheeks going red (he blushed. Blushed?! Really?). His mouth turned up at the corners, turning into a massive smile, with his pearly white teeth glinting.

"SHE BEAT HER RECORD FATHER! KYRA BEAT HER RECORD! (oh yeah, he totally has that good a relationship with Lucius Malfoy) And well I was just wondering if you could possibly get us some Butterbeer . You know, to celebrate," Draco paused looking sheepish. (does Draco really strike you as one to look sheepish?)

Mr Malfoy nodded.

"Of course. DOBBY!!!!"

The Malfoys' house elf came trudging toward us, a tray in his hands.

"Yes Master?" he asked timidly.

"TWO BOTTLES OF BUTTERBEER......NOW!!!" (stop writing in caps)

"Certainly Master."

Dobby clicked his fingers and the bottles appeared. He offered them to Draco and I, crouching down as we were sitting on the floor. Mr Malfoy had swept off somewhere and Draco snatched one of the bottles off the tray.

"Thank you Dobby," I said and took the bottle with what hopefully looked like a grateful look on my face. Dobby disappeared and Draco shook his head disapprovingly.

"No, no, no Kyra. Never say thank you to a house elf. Remember that we are a lot higher in the wizarding world than them and just being polite could make them expect to served by you. House elves are dumb, idiotic little beings and are utter filth. Remember that." (okay so now we're slightly more back in character)

"Yes Draco. Thank you for reminding me," I said and took a sip of the butterbeer. (talk about weak female characters; he's not the boss of you)

2 (two) hours later and it was getting dark. Draco and I were still in the garden looking at the stars. I had my head in his lap and he was humming a tune to himself. (they're literally eleven) The whole thing was quite peaceful and I liked it that way. Suddenly a thought popped into my head. The red headed wizards. Draco knew everything about the wizarding world so of course he would know about these people.

"Draco? Can I ask you something?"

"You just did," he said and I gave him a stony glare.

"I'm kidding. What is it?"

"You see that building beyond the hedge? What is it and who lives there?" I asked.

My best friend sighed, "I was waiting for you to ask me this."

"You were?"

"It was only a matter of time before you were intrigued by them. I believe," I sat up and put my head on his shoulder as he put his arm around me (literally children), "that it is time to tell you a story." (cue the bullshit, and the crappy writing that went with it in the next chapter)

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