Chapter 2- The Story

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"That house you spotted is the Burrow. The Burrow is a horrible place where dark wizards live. These wizards are called the Weasleys. In case you wanted to know they are all in Gryffindor house, which as you know is where the dark wizards go at Hogwarts. You see our story starts about 200 years ago when we Malfoys started battling against the Weasleys, trying to kill them so the wizarding world could be a safer place for the future generation like you and me. Unfortunately we failed.

The first Weasley, Agorus had an evil mind but was a very handsome man. Of course, like the present Weasleys, he had red hair. One day, he met a beautiful witch called Georgia. Georgia instantly fell for Agorus and she loved him so much that she would do anything for him, even kill muggles. The two were soon married and had two children: Tianna and Eddie. The children of course had red hair and at the age of nine, they were following in their mother and father's footsteps.

On the other side of the town, another family had begun. The Malfoys. Diego Malfoy was also extremely handsome but unlike Agorus, his mind was full of helping people and he believed that muggles and wizards should be treated equally. Diego was out one day, thinking of ways to stop Agorus, Georgia and their clones taking over the wizarding world, when he spotted a beautiful dark haired Muggle-born witch. Her name was Kiera. In fact she looked exactly like you Kyra. Anyway, Diego went over to Kiera and instantly asked her to marry him. She accepted and they soon had three children of their own: Luke, Natalia and Beatrice. When the three turned nine, like Agorus' children, they followed in their mother and father's footsteps. Helping to save the world.

10 years later, a war had begun. The Weasleys and the Malfoys were fighting to the death. Everything was going great, the Malfoys were winning. Then suddenly...


Georgia had hit Kiera with the killing curse and she was now lying on the floor, her emerald green eyes clouded over, her rosy cheeks without colour and her long silky black hair splayed out on the ground below. Diego rushed over to her, begging for her to wake up. But of course, she would not.  She was gone forever. A tear fell down his cheek, that tear soon turned into sobs. Everything around Diego disappeared and for ten minutes he sat there, the whole world in silence.

Suddenly a sharp pain shot through Diego. Agorus had stabbed him in the back... literally.  As Diego lay there in his own blood, his vision fogging over, he saw his three children. He told them to run and when the time was right, tell their children and grand children about the war and about what they had to do. They had to complete Diego and Kiera's mission. The Malfoys could not rest until the Weasleys had perished. So the three did as they were told and Diego lay there dying.

Agorus and Georgia however told their children exactly the same thing 50 years later when they were lying on their death beds.

And until this day, the Malfoys have been trying to stop the Weasleys for over two centuries."

"Draco", I said, "that's a horrible story. And to think you live half a mile away from these people."

"Sssh", he said pressing his finger to my lips, "it's getting late. You must stay at my house tonight. I want to be there if you need me."

"OK," I said sleepily. Draco lifted me into his arms and placed me into the guest bedroom of Malfoy Manor.

"Goodnight Kyra," he said and kissed my forehead.

I smiled, happy to have a friend I could trust.

Trying to Lie // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now