Trying To Lie (Fred and George Weasley fan fic)

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(it's really just Fred though, isn't it?)

Hi LJ1299 speaking (ew that username)

I abaolutely (check for typos, love) love Harry potter and any fan fiction about it. So just for a try I decided to write one about my two favourite characters... The Weasley twins!!! (i mean, yes they're awesome, but please tone down the enthusiasm you peppy child) You gotta love those guys. People think I'm sad cause I can tell the difference but I like to call it a skill. (most people can do that, stop being so proud of it) So anyway as you can tell I am pretty mental. (more like annoying) This story was based on a dream I had and names of people and places have been changed. Thank you (bloody proofread, you're missing a for) reading this. Vote, Comment, Fan!!!!

P.S: Everything belongs to J.K Rowling (doesn't the P.S come after you've signed off?)

Yours LJ xxx (and you need a comma after the yours)

Trying to Lie // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now