The game is set

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(F/ic)-Favorite ice cream

(F/c)- Favorite color

                                                                                ~Prologue ~

"Nuuuu! You asshole, I can't believe you!" I yelled at the enemy that killed all my creatures in Brave frontier.

I kept glaring at the screen and the enemy, which was a ridiculously giant boss monster, I was SO close to defeating. All my hard work of making them stronger, Collecting items that won't get them killed: all went down the drain...

"Oh well, there's a next time. This calls for ice cream for my sadness." I tried too cheer myself up, though the sound of disappointment was in my voice. As I walked the streets and heading towards an ice cream parlor, Baskinrobbins ice cream shop. While entering, the sound of the bells chiming as I walked towards the selections of the cold treats, while ordering, I ordered a (F/ic), triple it for my sorrows.

Nah! just feeling like a sweet treat for the day. After paying for the treat and leaving the shop, I walked down the familiar streets I'm use to walking, a sudden thought came to mind. "I wonder what's for dinner tonight?" But there was an reminder,"....oh yeah I'm the cook...Miso Ramen noodles soup it is!" I laughed it off, me cooking means I chose whatever I wish to eat.

I then pulled out my (F/c) skull candy earphones and played ponponpon with 96neko and Len Kagamine in full-blast. I love Rin and all, but these two together make a duo, I mean, come on! 96neko has this amazing voice that fits so well with Len's robotic and soft one.

My (short/medium/long) hair ruffled as the wind began to pick up, making me shiver at the sudden wind. I looked up to the skies with my (E/c) gazing to the sky, with gray clouds beginning to darken, and the leaves on the trees around me flew around or swirled.

"Looks like the storm is about to hit." Seeing as the blue skies became darker and grey, pulling up my hood up higher since the forecast did say heavy shower will roll in the near afternoon. "Better hurry if I want my food. This would be great to watch some vampire knight." I cheered, as I picked up my pacing, wanting to get home faster.

Don't get me wrong, I love a good storm; I have an excuse to watch anything I want before work tomorrow. Life would have been much easier if I had parent's and not supporting myself: I've been in orphanages to the next, not a single parent wanted me. And over these seventeen years, I've dedicated myself in this parent-less life and won't allow such thing to bring me down in life.

But it does get lonely; not having someone to spoil and dolt on you, nor call them 'Mother' or 'Father.'

As I began to run to my little flat, something caught my attention, the moment I passed a small ally-way something bright flashed my left eye. And it was shiny! So as a girl who kinda acts like a cat time to time. I investigated the object that caught my eye, moving the large brown moving boxes around, looking for such item that caught my sudden attention.

And what I found shocked the Hell out of me. "Who leaves twin pistols in the middle of the streets?!" As I pulled two twin pistols out from under a stack of boxes. They were both silver pistols, the handle had a thick black ribbon strap, and writings were written on the side of the heads.

Queen of Hearts

Was the one that had a red ruby on the tip in the shape of a sun.

Queen of Souls

Was the one with a blue sapphire on the tip in the shape of the crescent moon.

I was shocked to say, these were really bad-ass looking guns, and I'm keeping them.

Finder keepers, losers weepers.

I made a pose, good thing no one was around to call the police. But something was odd about these guns, I just couldn't figure out why. They just felt...they felt like they were meant to be held in my hands. Then I felt a really odd sensation, I looked down to see them vibrating. Trying to toss them aside, but they seemed like they latched on to my hands.

"What the hell! Are these guns possessed! Spirit let go off my sexy hands! They're not for sale!" I kept tugging the pistols with my mouth or the walls of the buildings, then smashing on the concrete walls, zilch. They didn't even loosen, no, they tighten and it hurts!

"Let go!" Something glowed under me, a bright red light in the form of the Sun with the moon over half the sun with stars around the two. "Okay, someone is punking me. Am I being punked? Cause, hey, you got me. Now stop this stupid game!"

Then I felt my feet sink to the concrete ground.  Beginning to panic, and that lead me to laugh when I panic. While hysterically looking around for the culprit who would make such a sick joke. "Not funny, not funny!"

Now my hips went through, it felt like sinking in an ocean of thick water. And just like that, my head sunk into the thick water of goo and all I saw was red.

Then black dots filed my vision.

Then darkness filled my whole vision.

'I'm so screwed...'

The Eclipse child- Vampire knight x readerWhere stories live. Discover now